
dev: we need to see you naked.... for science

worship away bro

it's called digimon.

He's compensating for something.


i have you beat. until earlier this year my backlog extended all the way back to super metroid. i did take that one off finally, but i have plenty of ps1 games to get through.

stopped reading after your first sentence to say:

well that's easy. if this game is episodic like the walking dead game, one episode should be easily short enough to finish on the 11th and leave plenty of time on the 12th for pokemonning.

klefki goomy diggersby master race.

and also

the answer i hear often is android fragmentation. when you develop for ios theres a very small set of devices you need to consider the specs for, and a small set of operating systems. when you develop for android, both numbers go up significantly making it more difficult.

i came here to post this exactly.

The issue I have with Aflac firing him over the tsunami stuff is, well you had to know who you were hiring didn't you? You hired a guy that made a 9/11 joke within a week of it happening, and now you're SHOCKED AND APPALLED by jokes about the tsunami? As for the issue this news post is actually about, I don't care at

Gilbert Gottfried made a joke about it on like... september 13, 2001. might have been the 14th but it was basically IMMEDIATELY after.

I hope you can keep the Beat.

So in the youtube preview they're fighting a brown metagross and two delcatty? is that ok?

So would you say you're Pokéxcited?

oh wait actually I just looked and there is actually a woman in a red dress. nevermind.

can't tell if trolling or.....

i have ares but i've only leveled him to 5 so far. i guess i should start letting him train again.