
the next post about this game better include a damn US release date.

Your face is too unbalanced.

well lets take pokedex history into account.....

you misspelled "outstanding"

the winner is good, but elian gonzalez, ghostbusters, and scarface all made me lose it laughing. elmer fudd takes 4th place IMO.

steam version was confirmed a while back, don't worry

yes very much so. i have been playing since the game came out and spent no money on it. easily the best fb game ever made (which says basically nothing), but it's a pretty solid turn-based RPG overall.

I know that no matter how good I am at tennis I'll never be as good as a wall. I played a wall, it was fuckin relentless!

are you in japan? it's only out for android in japan at the moment.


there's a whole different can of worms when you consider the religious mess brought up by these questions....

reincarnation is not the same thing as resurrection.... my scientific conclusion: YOUR DUM.

Push that to the top, please. Funny that your username includes Magus, which of course is not exclusive to CT but is most associated with it when talking about video games.

I can say with authority that you do NOT need a walkthrough to get every heart container and get through the entire game, since I beat both to full completion back when they came out and I didn't have easy access to any of that at the time. You may need a guide if you want to get all of the rings though, but they're

It is in fact the 2nd best time travel game ever made. No, you can't top Chrono Trigger. It's not possible.


damn nintendo.... you're putting your games in a location about 10 minutes from my house.

there is a legit glitch that does allow you to play as general leo on the overworld. kotaku actually posted it a few months back. it involves saving the first time you are on the overworld, then playing all the way up to the world of ruin without saving again or dying, then as soon as you hit the wor and have the

kinect 1 does not allow turning the system on or off.

and on X1, EVERYONE has a kinect plugged in.