To use an even more over used cliche, "I'm gonna burn your house down. With the lemons"
To use an even more over used cliche, "I'm gonna burn your house down. With the lemons"
so um.... []
Nothing else can be said about this.
It wasn't Howard. Anyone who listens to the show will know this without any doubt. The guy barely knows how to use a computer let alone what a torrent even is. Not sure how it got out there but you can bet he'll discuss this at length on the air.
Winnie Cooper is super ugly dude....
no, it's drink.
I don't know about you guys but I drop at least one load a day.
This is my 3rd favorite RPG of all time (Chrono Trigger and FF6 are forever tied at 1/2). The advice already given is spot-on.
Stupidity exists in ALL political parties. Republicans are dumb. Democrats are dumb. *Insert current hipster "party" here* are dumb. The end.
They also want to make it illegal to say the word "gay" or discuss homosexuality of any kind in a school. What the fuck is going on in TN? Isn't there anything important their government can discuss?
Vita: because Wiita would be too dumb.
Absolutely shocked that L is less than O. LOL. LOL.LOL.
awesome indeed. no matter what is done to any game 16 bit era and older, people will complain that something is wrong with the way it looks. It's either "too pixelated" if they do nothing or "they fucked with the original" if they do something like this. I prefer the pixelated look personally, but this is still a…
this is a great thing.
If i were managing a Gamestop doing a midnight release, I would go out at 11:55 and say the game has been delayed an extra 15 min. Then maybe make a fart joke or something.
@Maxis47: The pattern is that whenever the next game is an MMO, they also make a direct sequel to the previous one. It's really not that confusing
looks like it could do this pretty well... oh wait... no multitouch.