
I know a lot of people who prefer the regular consoles because they’re usually easier to set up. There’s something to be said for the ability to sit down in front of the couch, turn on the console, and just play, without having to do any setup or configuration. That’s worth it to a lot of folks, and I respect that

My 560ti can handle Dolphin just fine. Dolphin requires a lot of shader feature support from the card, but isn’t too heavy on actual usage. It’s mostly CPU bound, spending much of its time formatting the display lists (CPU-side) for the PC GPU to use, and working on the relatively fast main program via PowerPC

I really don’t see how this is going to impact sales. That’s a *powerful* beast of a machine, and it’s managing maybe 50% speed on MK8, with enough missing effects and implementation issues to make things difficult to enjoy.

I really love Sona. It’s hard to play her really poorly because so much of what she does is simple AoE, but there’s bunch of nuance involved in playing her *well.* Managing Mana through extended early game fights is tough with her recent balance changes, and while she’s mobile and can travel well late game, her early

Man, playing support is so awesome. I get to do all these lovely micromanagement things, everyone’s happy to have me around because it reduces mechanic pressure on them (heals or buffs or sustain, depending) and no one expects me to get fed and carry, nor gets mad if I get picked off early in a teamfight. (Though, I

I feel like this would actually be a really easy mod to make. I should get on that.

Oh, I should clarify: I don’t have any subscriptions to anything other than my internet connection and my phone bill. (Not even Cable.) Same reasons really; I prefer to buy content that I know I will enjoy, rather than paying for access. I find it easier to stay on top of my finances this way, but I also have a pretty

Well no, because I actually use my internet connection every waking moment of every day (I host servers from home) and I end up using my phone every day. Those are necessities for my workflow.

You know, I’d pay to play this game hourly. Seriously, my biggest objection to monthly subscriptions is that it feels like a looming deadline. Can’t I just be billed by the number of hours I log on?

That is a Magikarp. Well done, sir. I can sleep now; my faith in the internet is restored.

The adware wasn’t the problem. This is a trusted root certificate; without getting too much into the details, this is a certificate that is installed in the system in such a way that it bypasses an important security check. This certificate can be used to encrypt websites, even if that’s not its intended purpose.

Apple’s naming conventions are really dumb; the iPad Air 2 is really the 6th iPad now, so it’s substantially newer than the 2nd generation one you’re using.

Apple’s naming conventions are really dumb; the iPad Air 2 is really the 6th iPad now, so it’s substantially newer

Seriously, how does the mother enroll her child in a musical theatre program and take offense at the teacher’s lifestyle without realizing the play itself is about gay characters? How does she not realize that a huge portion of theatre people are gay or bi? It’s not even shocking at all in that world, it’s just part

It’s possible to get Duck Hunt to work on some modern televisions; the technique it used for detecting hits mostly relies on timing. If the frame shows up on a flatscreen monitor in less than 16ms (so, a very fast refresh rate monitor) the light gun should be able to pick it up. It’s looking for a particular color to

The really weird thing is, bootcamp *is* supported by Apple, but only for upgrades. The official way to run Windows 10 in bootcamp involves installing 7 or 8 first, performing the upgrade (from within bootcamp already at this point), then allowing bootcamp to update itself from within windows. Only then will it

As a musician in college, our professor once had us book a performance in the cafeteria at the school. We got up there on stage, sang our hearts out, and pretty much nobody cared one bit. The entire cafeteria ignored us, and it was obvious the ones who wanted to listen couldn’t possibly hear the choir over the bustle

This should still reduce a lot of the friction. One of the most frustrating elements in League right now is the pre-game banter during champ select. Many an argument start here and snowball into extreme toxicity during the game proper, as the more arrogant players have their “fears confirmed” with every setback.

This falls apart a little bit if any of the opposing members own nearly all of the roster, but the feature’s handy for the 90% of other games you’ll end up in. :)

And Cheeksqueak is why.

I was pleasantly surprised by this. I expected them to still exclusively use Nintendo accounts in the interest of being family friendly, but then again, the prevailing message for the younger kids (< 13yo) seems to be for parents to keep them off the internet entirely.