If you read the fine print, you will see that you are obligated to sign the card in order to use it. Technically, writing something besides a signature voids the card. But of course, only if the store clerk bothers to look.
If you read the fine print, you will see that you are obligated to sign the card in order to use it. Technically, writing something besides a signature voids the card. But of course, only if the store clerk bothers to look.
I actually cherish true waiting times. Those times when I'm stuck in a waiting room or in line at the drive thru or something, where I truly have nothing to do. I suppose I *could* pull out my phone and check facebook again, but I prefer to let my thoughts do what they will, and give my brain a chance to focus on…
Not likely. Mirror Mode is typically 150cc, and I don't think it's been missing from any of the titles so far?
It's getting there. I suspect that the EndGame for this whole "Modern UI" thing is for the APIs they've developed there to replace Win32 down the line. That would be a huge boon for Microsoft, but they have a long way to go. Most power users I know avoid apps like the plague right now, and I don't blame them; the new…
Ditto here for a different reason: I'd very much like to perform these exercises in my home, but I live in a second floor apartment, and I don't want to aggravate my neighbors.
Hrm. I wonder what this means for the Surface RT? Its main purpose in the tablet market seems to have been to satisfy the need of business customers and students who needed a tablet that could run Microsoft Office. Now it seems its only main advantage (full Internet Explorer with Flash support) is not really enough to…
Never underestimate the creative wit of over-worked and highly caffeinated IT professionals.
I tell you what, how about this:
Bravo for putting that opinion out there. That's dangerous on these sites.
Oh, absolutely. I played the heck out of Brawl, and it was very enjoyable. (I still rock Olimar as my favorite fighter of all time; he's so wonderfully versatile.) I can totally understand where the hardcore community is coming from with their complaints about some of its more annoying mechanics, but at its core, it…
We'll see. I seriously doubt it's going to be able to be as *fast* as melee, simply because of controller lag; Brawl had the same issue. The Wii U does feel a bit more responsive than the Wii, so that'll help a bit. Brawl had a lot of other issues though (*cough* tripping) that made it nearly unplayable.
That's why when playing in LoL, if I mute someone, generally all the other members of my team (and the other team) are at that point well aware of that person's attitude, and he'll get a bunch of reports too. Mute makes the matchmaker not ever pair me up with that person again, and 9 reports nearly guarantees a ban,…
Ah, I should clarify: when decoding 1080p video and also using software subtitles, the pi can't handle the rendering load. We never did find a fix for that. Lower quality video works just fine with them. I suspect it has something to do with needing to draw vector graphics at such a high resolution, but I'm not really…
Well, unless you like being able to watch Anime with subtitles, which the raspberry pi absolutely cannot handle. (Unless they've updated XBMC for it lately? I gave up trying a while back.)
I don't think I can remember a time when I needed to hear the words as I read them. It's weird though; all characters in books and video games have voices in my head; I may play out internal dialogue when there's a character actually speaking something, but not when the text is simply describing actions or painting a…
I think mostly it's because I rarely used it. I keep my phone around for making calls, sending messages (ideally using IMs, but I never found a good program for Windows Phone that worked with GTalk; I went through 3 of them and they all broke after a couple of weeks while Google was busy destroying GTalk and replacing…
Well, among 5 adult humans that enjoy each other's company? Maybe that would work. Among *siblings*? "NO FAIR, It's MY turn!" ...and so on.
Actually it doesn't seem like it would work that well. Sure, that the *start* the human player ends up on the gamepad, but then what happens when one of the other players takes over? Does the system pause the game and throw up a helpful tutorial to remind you to give the gamepad to your sibling?
I never understand this argument. When I was a child, I saw my mother naked plenty of times; as with the rest of my family, the adults tended to shower with the young kids because that's just how it was for parenting.
Having jumped from iOS to Android and *then* to Windows phone, I can't say it's that great. On the plus though, it convinced me to buy a Nexus 5 off contract, as that was the best way to stop using my Windows phone.