
The way I do it is, since you still get XP for catching things, if I ever get a wild pokemon down to catch status, I catch it even if I already have it. Then my extras of whatever I ended up with go on wonder trade. I also agree, I'm trying not to send in the stuff that's really common, as that's no fun for anybody.

Oh, this very much to be sure. Implementing a network protocol in a game engine that can talk in a cross-platform way is trivial. Doing it amid proprietary APIs and using a bizzaro server model that isn't centralized is hellish and impossible.

They can't really do that with this iteration of hardware; the system needs to be able to play 3DS games, and the hinge on that system makes it very difficult to eliminate the border between screens. Games are programmed to account for the gap, so it really does need to be there.

In Chrome/others, you can also use Ctrl+Tab (and Shift-Tab) to switch between tabs. I find this a bit easier to use with a single hand.

Oh wow, this is wonderful! I always wondered about that; I've been manually rearranging the windows on my multi-monitor setups. Will definitely try this when I get to work.

This is very true; I edited the post to mention this. The main issue is the fact that most Xbox multiplayer doesn't rely on central servers, it's instead negotiated ad-hoc by the consoles. The only feasible way to do cross platform multiplayer involves a server that isn't also a console; this establishes a common

It's a *lot* easier than you think. Most good game engines for the Xbox are also designed to work on PC; while this is intended to make debugging your code easier (you don't have to send it to a RealConsole(tm) every time you compile a new tiny change) it means that it's pretty easy to get exactly the same game

Technically you do lose a pound for every 3,500 calories, and we could calculate this if our methods for calculating energy expenditure and intake were perfect. Unfortunately we do not have perfect equations right now, so while a pound of fat does have about 3,500kcal in it we tend to lose a pound of fat when our

I had to go with Pokemon Y, as I happen to contain a Y chromosome, and it seemed silly not to go with that.

Wait, that's a WIP? I was ready to throw money down at it. Nice find!

I always figured that was because it would ruin the atmosphere of duck and cover for linear sequences in battlefield type games.

The tipping thing is a really nice touch. If I remember this correctly, it's not customary to tip at most restaurants in Japan; simply cleaning your plate is the polite thing to do, to show that you appreciate the meal. I wonder if this concept in the game will feel foreign to Japanese children, and if maybe that was

My favorite little change is the important items not actually being items. They're hotkeys on the D-pad; you always have the wind waker available. This saves a considerable amount of tedium with the menu; combine this with the menu itself being on the touchscreen and it makes it very seamless to crawl through dungeons

No, you've just never had bacon ice cream. It's *really good.*

That's just it; America is really hard to pin down as a culture. Travel across one state to a different county and sometimes it's like you crossed the border; we have so many cultures within cultures, and all of them are trying so hard to preserve whatever it is about them that's unique.

I find the Zero series (Gameboy Advance) to be a really good intro. It explains the backstory you need to know as it goes along, and the first game isn't insanely difficult; it eases you into it. By the end of the 4th in that series, you'll be dodging S-rank boss abilities like it's nothing.

Added for great testing initiative (and that amazing profile gif)

What a really cool way to launch a new controller idea; Steam games already work perfectly well with traditional controllers (mouse+keyboard and Xbox / gamepad) and they don't need to support the new thing. If it catches on, great! If not, your console / platform is still wildly successful. Win win!

To be fair, Microsoft is presently working very hard to remove the need for these uninstallers. The new app format they use for Metro keeps every file an app uses in a nice tidy package; remove the app, and you remove *everything* associated with that app.

What you can't see is the overscan. The natural instinct for any player of a platformer is to go right, as fast as possible. The obstruction (the rest of the green pipe) wouldn't have been onscreen yet when they started their run toward the pit jump.