Thanks Ike Perlmutter. Just great work you ghoul.
Thanks Ike Perlmutter. Just great work you ghoul.
How sad of a writer can you be. he is right, anyone could have hit that with a car that size. stop overdramatising and being butthurt because someone has more money than you.
Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass
Yeah the complaints are completely unwarranted. The mandatory exp share, lack of postgame content, lies surrounding the reason for cutting the roster, cutting of over 50 moves, lack of online trading, and other problems are made up.
I love when people who don’t know anything about the situation reduce it to just that.
It’s difficult justifying paying double the money for a game with half the content of previous installments while other AAA franchises push the boundaries of the Switch.
If you don’t plan on turning off the EXP share, trading online, or using all the Pokémon in the series then it’ll probably be an enjoyable game.
I am completely fine with this. Break an NDA? Pay up. Simple as that.
Man, you’re so smart, of course not one person out of all the people experiencing this issue have tried to fix it with simple remedies. Or have tried cleaning it after taking it apart. They’ve all just sat around and complained without researching the problem.
They were still doing low res sprite art in 2012.
“This is something to remember. The people at Gamefreak who are working on this game are spending months and years of their lives developing this new Pokemon adventure.”
But if they don’t update the game, they get to sell another game at full price 1-2 years later.
> But don’t attack, harass or insult the people making this game.
Peter Schilling.
Who starts a countdown with “4" ??
My eyes rolled hard on that one.
``It seems insulting (and kind of sexist)”
I kinda want to see it in its current condition.
It makes absolutely no sense that she would go into battle with her cleavage exposed because that’s the sort of physical vulnerability that would quickly get a person killed.