Blank Frank



Doesn’t matter whether you do or not; you were objectively wrong from the get-go, and no amount of childish behavior or willful ignorance will change that fact.

Because that is not at all like buying more furniture and having more to maintain?

Comparing yourself to an elementary school child uninterested in adult-level conversation and reason isn’t really doing yourself any favors here, but I wouldn’t say the comparison isn’t an apt one.

Well at least you acknowledge the fact that you are literally arguing against the literal dictionary definitions of the word, and that you are engaging in willful ignorance. Bravo. Why people like you keep doing so is beyond me - but good luck with that.

“And I completely disagree that any of those should be called a burger.”

It’s a watermelon burger in the same sense that a salmon burger is a salmon burger, or a black bean burger is a black bean burger, or a veggie burger is a veggie burger, or a falafel burger is a falafel burger. Do you think those names denote toppings on a hamburger? Do you think a hamburger is a burger with ham as a

There are grocery stores that use them (in grocery-bag size). However from what I’ve read, biodegradable plastic bags require specific conditions not met in landfills in order to biodegrade, such as exposure to air, water, sunlight, and a specific temperature range - and compostable bags require large-scale industrial

I’m sure Homer could make a couple quick modifications to his makeup gun:

“this isn’t the same thing as ; that’s a separate subscription service”

So basically, “Do something else instead!"

So we’re officially in Black Mirror territory now?

More info for the “citations needed” commenter who suggested restaurants steal tips from employees and use them to pay the salaries of the owners / managers:

Restaurants should just do what this commenter suggested and defraud the public by stealing tips they leave for the employees to pay the salaries of the owners & managers!

I never claimed that internet forum comments are legal documents, so I don’t know why you responded by saying they are not - and I’m not sure what point you believe you are making by stating this. To be sure, your response indicates a clear deficit in reading comprehension skills.

Typo correction:

You proposed employers keeping employees’ tips. That’s theft. It doesn’t matter if the employee gives them a bonus later - it doesn’t negate the (federal) crime they’ve already committed. And a policy such as what you propose would constitute defrauding the customers who leave tips for the employees.

This site has been incorporating politics into its stories regularly and for long enough that you even acknowledge that you know to expect it - if you don’t want to subject yourself to it, then don’t. The headline tells you the source of the original article.