One notes that the outrage is about calling her a cunt, not that Trump wants to fuck his daughter.
One notes that the outrage is about calling her a cunt, not that Trump wants to fuck his daughter.
One crazy thing to note, I’ve heard from many missionaries to Africa and Asia is that one of the biggest problems being faced is that the prosperity gospel has infected the church over there. So that one conversation on the Thomas Prince was very poignant for me.
Wes Chatham rightly gets a lot of acclaim for his portrayal of Amos but I think Cas Anvar’s Alex is just as good.
Bingo. You’d think they’d at least show them being checked out in a hospital or at least a one-liner on the results / treatment.
Yep, but the rest of that scene was ludicrous.
Not just that, but serving in the colonies removing irradiated soil for any period of time would not only affect a person’s fertility but perhaps much, much more. How are they going to explain away that little detail?
Also, not for nothing, but I highly doubt that a Handmaid who’s spent months in a radioactive wasteland would be much use to them anymore.
I didn’t understand how 30-odd Handmaids died, actually. I thought they were executed for being suspected accessories but it looks like they were killed in the explosion? How? It seemed like they all ran away quickly enough once they realized what Ofglen was doing. Were there Handmaids INSIDE? Fred made it clear when…
I’m guessing the ships you’re thinking of have flipped around and are doing a deceleration burn at the time.
The roci outracing that missile into the slow zone is an allegory to the show surviving long enough for Amazon to pick it up.
Officially picked up last Friday and announced by Jeff Bezos himself
omg, I just said something to this effect earlier. Same with the wedding of last week’s episode — how the heck does everyone know what to do all the time now?
You are absolutely right- I was so mad when it faded to black, but those extra few seconds after made it okay. I can’t wait for Amos to start breaking things off that cameraman, and I have to think Anna is going to remember how nervous Melba was acting right before the bomb went off.
I’m just not buying how little investigation is going on in terms of June’s attempted escape.
Miller showed up because of the proto-molecule that is still sitting hidden under the hull of the Rocci right?
I thought he might be wearing some future contacts that sent the video feed.
I screeched and threw my book across the room when I got to that part. Watching the show I was like “IT’S MILLER TIME!”
Yaknow, people rightly decry how few things are made audiovisually these days that are actually original works, but The Expanse is a very good counterexample, showing how getting the chance to revisit the same story in a new medium can lead to great things. Maybe I’m wrong, but I distinctly remember the scene of…
It looked to me as though the ring contained a barrier of some kind that stopped Belta Knievel short, and the sudden change in velocity splattered him all over the forward bulkhead. That’s what Delta-V means.