I’m shocked you didn’t mention Major confessing he’s crushing on Chase in the stray observations. An episode with Major fantasising about Chase and Liv dressing up as Peyton: every shipper got a wish fulfilled this episode.
I’m guessing we will see this happen next episode, as Liv eats Isobel’s brain and has to deal with everyone that loved her. Spending so much time on Isobel makes a lot more sense when you remember that Liv is going to eat her brain and everyone around her will have to deal with the consequences.
Premiering three months after Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration, The Handmaid’s Tale couldn’t help but feel…
I suppose it’s not really a spoiler to say Drummer has quite the path ahead of her, if they stick with the books.
Yeah, having read the books I am 99.9% sure this name change is only temporary.
I felt bad that poor Mei had to witness that horror show.
I mean you wanna talk about dissonance, the guy that plays Prax played the super douchey PI guy on Jessica Jones season 2.
I’m guessing they might avoid the “where do I draw the line?” question by having the undo button not be a matter of decision-making, but more automatic. The Gauntlet appears to have been destroyed at the end of this movie; Thanos is still wearing it but it’s all thrashed and scorched, implying that it no longer…
Gamora was sacrificed to the Soul Gem, which means her soul is probably IN the gem, which is why Thanos talked to little Gamora after he did his big deed.
My guess - Guardians of the Galaxy 3: The Search For Gamora featuring Adam Warlock (who has a historical comic book connection with the Soul Gem).
Every time someone says that, a Marvel executive gets his gold-plated wings.
You need to know that Groot keeps leaving the toilet seat up, which would be less of a concern if anyone was even sure what he does in there.
Good thing the av club made a superhero encyclopedia a year ago, which is referenced nowhere in this article and whose structure was destroyed by Kinja.
Sorry, but Chrisjen only clenches her thighs for Arjun.
The sequence with the tools flying everywhere was just so dumb. I’m glad you guys came away feeling some good tension (I’m not being sarcastic). But I couldn’t feel anything.
My favorite thing about that scene was Clive telling the nosy Ravi & Peyton that he and Dale were now in an open relationship—so how did they like the whole “no secrets” thing now!
This is all true, but somehow I wish they took this route from the beginning, if only because it would feel more like a zombie show to some extent. I can’t get over the fact that they refuse/can’t afford to use zombie makeup for the zombies, so 99% of them look just like the actors. Even the lead now apparently mostly…
I agree. Zombies on this show aren’t supposed to be supernatural, they’re just people with a weird disease. They have heartbeats and circulation, just at a very low level. So a zombie brain cut off from blood flow might not die, but it shouldn’t be conscious. And of course it should be physically impossible for the…
Don E continues to delight. We all miss Chief too.