I got midway through the list, zoomed down to see if anyone else had already commented on this truly outrage-inducing move to have sound-on videos auto start, and then saw this perfect comment of yours, which was just a simple quoting of a perfect item from the fucking list I didn’t read all the way through.
“See, people want this!”
So good.
+4 dead in Ohio
They should have told the Kent State administration to fuck off and kept playing. I mean, what are they gonna do about it, call in the National Guard?
Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.
I bet it would be a better deal if it was just between the Mets and Marlins. If only the Mets had a prospect they could throw in to sweeten the deal. Someone with ties to Florida who could come in and be a savior for that team.
Lojack Horseman.
I would say about Tim Lee that “I haven’t seen a man leave such a burning wake in his trail through Atlanta since Sherman,” but most of Cobb County doesn’t have access to the books to explain the joke.
The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.
President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.
I like Dan Jones. He has the Daniness of Dan Brown, but doesn’t skimp out on the Jonesiness of Alex Jones.
Well to be fair the natives come from a school that is located on the poorest reservation in America with unbelievable poverty, infant mortality rates and rampant addiction issues. So.....they kind of had it coming.
Color me surprised...a racist act in a town known for 2 things: hosting the largest motorcycle gang convention annually and stealing Native land to build a memorial to US Presidents. Shocking!
Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices
Emily, I’m usually yelling at the people who bitch and moan about “clickbaity headlines,” but this desperately needs a rewrite and clarification. If drive.google.com isn’t changing, it’s not going to affect like 75% of users (including me). I had to go into the comments to find this out. You can do better than this
What a misleading title.
Yes. Misleading article, Drive as a service isn’t going anywhere.