Blank Can

I doubt this app is capable, but I really need a calender/planner app that can be set as the unlock page on my iphone. I had a Samsung Blackjack before my iphone and the one thing I miss was that anything I had in my calender for that day was listed on my home screen. All I had to do was look at my phone to check the

@achilleselbow: While this is far from an authoritative source, my mom sent me a fwd that claimed to be "confirmed by snopes" about a dangerous fungus that can grow in expired cake mix. Food for thought. (Rimshot!)

@bra1nphuk: Too bad Osman decided it would be a good idea to jump on a rig he set up before he spent a bunch of time in jail. Didn't work out too well for him.

Man the caption of picture 2 is so appropriate to the image it's creepy.

Yes! I had it set for 8:45 because I have class at the 9:45. And I reset it, having read the previous article. But it didn't go off.

@Beavertank: It will be just like us with the Terracotta Soldiers.

@datafox: Which was written by James Lipton!