Bland Ann

I feel like the end of pregnancy is made to be extra terrible, so the prospect of actually giving birth seems less daunting.

Currently *very* pregnant (3 weeks left!) and I’ve hated every minute of it. I feel terrible complaining, but really it’s all I do. No energy for anything, but I’ve got a pile of work backing up to get done before this little dude arrives. Everything hurts and my computer chair has become the bane of my existence.

My husband loves acting really offended and saying “SHE’S NOT PREGNANT!”

I’m a current very pregnant person, and it’s mind blowing to me how people - STRANGERS, think it’s okay to comment on how old they think I am, how large they think I am, how shocked they are that I still have such and such time left to gestate this being.

I had some trouble letting go of my last name when my husband and I got married. My husband was funny about it though, he came up with this really weird combination that was 1/2 of each of our last names and wanted to both change to that. He was also fine with taking my last name, as long as we both had the same one -