I'm still high on Weeden

It is entirely possible all of this is a blip, that the Jaguars offense will return to being merely mediocre, and that’ll be enough for another deep playoff run.

I assume the Kings have already given you a 3 year contract to lead their front office.

To give a serious answer, and I’m sorry if it comes off a bit harsh, it’s not my intention, but people worryingly underestimate the depth of various “hatreds” in the US, be it regarding race, gender, religion, identity, education, etc. A huge portion of Trump supporters didn’t just stumble into him because there was

pictured: chemtrails.

Ship fuel can’t melt steel hulls.

But we agree that he is the actual killer, right?

I starred but you’re wrong here. The law isn’t arbitrary and the law isn’t pretending it didn’t happen. The law says people should be arrested and held if evidence exists that they committed a crime. Right now, because of how fucking stupid this country can be, this man was released because he shot another man in

He’s tried to make me geaux to rehab
I won’t geaux, geaux, geaux.

Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?