
Didn’t Dwight shoot the drone?

The show needs to end, but Kirkman doesn’t appear like he intends for that to EVER happen. Here or in the comic books (although I stopped reading thecomic books for the same reason. They are still going right?)

There were a few in the background in one scene.

I’ve driven from CT to FL in a day.

Why trick Littlefinger when Arya can just kill him?

The news dropped and I was about 3/4 of the way through this season. Didn't watch another episode. Guess I should pick it up again.

I think you posted this Onion article in the wrong spot.

I still have no idea whether I like this show or not.

No, this is not a thing.

I have to admit I was thoroughly shocked by Vanessa's death followed by the "The End." The show was so good that I never really considered this season might be the last one so I went in assuming it was a regular old season finale. Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed.

Sometimes it's OK to just have a really cool battle scene and the payoff of having the Starks come out on top for a change.

How about the fact that time Duncan was born at the precise time in human history where basketball has been invented and being good at it pays well?

Reasonable doubts are for innocent people.

True. We're discussing it in the context of just having a conversation about a TV show but in terms of legal evidence, it should have dismissed easily.

Well what we don't know is what he did when he called. Did he say "hi this is Steve?" Did he call and hang up? Did she ignore several phone calls and he felt like she was avoiding him? I'm sure there are legitimate reasons for people to use *67 when calling someone but my imagination can more easily see it as unusual

It proves nothing, it suggests he didn't want her knowing it was him calling on the at least one occasion that he did it. I only read it on one of these articles comments but it was suggested he called more than once sometimes with his caller ID and sometimes after using *67. I'm not saying it necessarily means

He called her using *67 allegedly.

I'm sure a gun expert will correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the shot at such a close range result in a much more damaging exit wound? At a minimum I would think some rudimentary cop work could tell later on that what she said went down isn't how it happened. "Yeah, the terrorist caved in and told us where it was,

Rick didn't cause the zombie herd. He WAS going to under controlled circumstances but then they broke through so I don't think you can blame him for all that happened.

When ESPN fires you months before your contract is up.