
“Elizabeth Warren has some of the same policies that Bernie has,” Erianna Carlisle, 18, who considered voting for Warren, said after casting her ballot. “I just never connected to her, which sucks. She’s a woman. It would be great to have a woman in office. I just never got that connection with her. I just got it

As a Warren supporter who has been directly involved in her campaign (attending organizing events, canvassing, phone banking, texting, the whole shebang) it’s kind of nuts to see what works and what doesn’t. We’ve knocked on so many doors, we’ve had so many 1-on-1 conversations with voters, and yet none of it seems to

These people want to claim that Obama ran as a progressive so they can claim his win and then turn around and blame him for being a centrist. It’s a cynical, pathetic ploy by people who are trying to gaslight us into thinking they know how to win shit.

So the sound engineers at MSNBC can finally recalibrate their sound system for normal human volume.

What a lazy hot take.

Relax, it’s a harmless mild beer hipster. We get it, you only drink some microbrew released one week out of the year that requires a secret password to purchase.

This makes me ill thinking about 2016. How Dump like a teabag kept revealing who he really was everytime it got hot. Naive ole me thought he was done after the “I dont pay taxes Im smart” line and the disgusting “Nasty Woman” line. Its easy to dump on HRC but again the election revealed wayyyyy more about Murica than

“Elizabeth Warren Exists”

I am sorry my dismissal of the criticism of Warren’s clearly approximated 30 years was vexing or disheartening to Bernie supporters.

I don’t disagree, but I would note that by far the most heartening thing about last night was how everyone, moderate or liberal, was extremely quick to unite behind the idea of beating a thin-skinned, vainglorious rich person like a pinata.

Bloomberg looked like a kid who forgot to unthaw the chicken and heard his mom’s keys jingle in the door when Warren read him for filth 😂😂😂

“But instead of expanding and bringing in more people to help, instead his campaign relentlessly attacks everyone who asks a question or tries to fill in details about how to actually make this work.” know Bernie had the complete opposite position on this in 2016 right? 

She didn’t just do well because she bodied Bloomberg. She also came with detailed itemized plans of who she will tax, how she will pay for her plans and she is the only who consistently tied economic and social/racial inequality to health care, education, climate change, child care, immigration etc. The only minus was

I consider social skills — the ability to partner and collaborate with key stakeholders — to be critical technical aspects of being a leader in any capacity, but especially as an elected official. As you rightly point out he has no allies. That is why he’s accomplished relatively little in his 3 decades in public

I think he’s technically qualified, but he lacks the social skills to be an effective president (or run a campaign that brings in people who are on the fence about him). Worse, because of the lack of accountability, he doesn’t believe that he’s lacking in these social skills. Best case scenario, he wins the

I feel you. I told one of my most insufferable Berniebro buddies yesterday “every time I hear you talk or read what you’ve written about Bernie, I need to actively work to remind myself that Bernie is still worth supporting. You make it harder for me to support Bernie, not easier.” Of course their response was “blah

Preach. I spent 15 years in DC working in Congress, for women’s health nonprofits, for labor unions, for international development orgs, so I can be berated by a Bernie Bro whose “eyes were opened in 2016" and whose record of accomplishments is their sick sign making skills and meme sharing prowess.

Totally agree. Part of me really wants Sanders to win just to see his supporters lose their minds when he doesn't magically eliminate our debt, make college free, and enact Medicare for All on his first week.

You know what I’ve never heard a Bernie supporter ask me? “Why do you like Elizabeth Warren?” and then attempt to make a case for how Bernie Sanders actually addresses the same points.