
We don’t want serious people with proven track records of success for president.

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

Sanders’ comments that being a woman is a liability somehow turning into a problem for Warren [kisses fingers] I mean that is some primo top shelf horse shit.

He probably won’t win. So don’t stress about it too much. But if he does, we all need to be grown ups, stop vaporlocking over his many notable flaws, and remind ourselves of the consequences of the Trump Presidency:

1. Trump destabilized our trade with the dumb tariff games against China. He literally had to put soy farmers on corporate welfare.

In 2016 the top ten highest people on Bernie’s campaign staff, 9 were men and the one woman on the list was his wife. Don’t get me started on how dismissive he’s been about defunding of Planned Parenthood and sexual harassment on his campaign. 

If he doesn’t win 51% of the delegates, nothing in the rules requires the Democrats to hand him the nomination anyway. Following the rules is not, “fucking him”.

Bernie/Rose Twitter is absolutely vile. It is no better than MAGA twitter; it’s just another side of the same coin. Just because I may be ideologically much closer to them doesn’t mean that I like them any more.

Bernie supporters have been spending time for the last several months or so calling Buttigieg a rat, Warren a snake, Biden whatever the rest of us have been calling him, Bloomberg a despotic billionaire (which, okay fair), Yang inexperienced, Kamala a cop, Steyer a clueless billionaire (again, fair), Klobuchar a bad

If Bernie could work with any other candidate he could swing their delegates on the second ballot by making platform concessions or offering VP.....


As a very young and reluctant boomer, I’m all for it. I’ve been looking for a way to shut older boomers up for decades. You come back when you’re my age and tell me you don’t feel the same.

I would love to press this asshole on how he made the leap from Boomer to that word. I mean Boomer was never a slur until a bunch of bored twenty year old bloggers thought they were being clever. To this clown and the other Boomers you should feel like shit since you and the so called “greatest generation” have sold

Like a lot of the population, writers (a few on GMG websites), and other assholes on this planet, there is this concept that Trump is Obama’s fault and he could have prevented it. How the hell was a current, lame duck president going to stop Dumb-ass America from voting for a racist, misogynistic, vile, piece of shit

Y’all do realize that there was a criminal suit (dropped because of harassment campaign) and a civil suit that was SETTLED. not dismissed. Damages were awarded and Kobe released a public (non) apology which acknowledged the encounter was non-consentual. You don’t get to ignore or rewrite history because discussing

Bill Cosby can shut his rapist mouth.

-Having daughters doesn’t mean you’re not a misogynist.

Yes, if only we could find that mythical “perfect Democrat” who would sweep us off our feet and force the GOP to uphold their oath’s and constitutional duties...

That’s strange: I could have sworn a bigoted, woman-hating troll almost attempted to reply with their forced birth nonsense/entry in to the Women Oppression Olympics..

This week has felt like a year between the impeachment, the Iowa caucus, the SOTU, the prayer breakfast today and the Dem debates tomorrow (where I will continue my tradition of not watching). It’s exhausting but then I remember that Rush Limbaugh is dying and smile.