
My grandpa had late stage lung cancer as well (3 or 4 I’m not sure) which had spread to other organs by the time it was discovered. He lived for 6 weeks after his diagnosis. Let’s hope he’s gone faster than that. 

The initial record was an interview she gave over a year ago that was released by the news agency, not her office. And, of course the media is going to churn it and eat the butter because they feed off of this mess. How is it that that the world - including Bernie and his brahs -could attack HRC in the most

Uh if we are being 100% honest and transparent the only reason Iowa is a shitshow is because the DNC went out of it’s way to keep this ridiculous caucus system to appease.... wait for it... Bernie Fucking Sanders. That is right. He was so mad after losing in Iowa & his cult crying rigged that they kept this system

One thing I find ironic about this is that black and brown people have to stand in line for hours to vote and very little deal gets made about that in the MSM. A bunch white people in an Iowa high school gym can’t get their app to work and it’s the death of American democracy.

I think it’d be less of an issue if the thing weren’t given outsized importance.

A huge part of the tension is age ofcourse. I am a brown woman in my mid40s and don’t feel anything more than lukewarm about the candidates that are left.I would have happily gotten behind Kamala and Julian but.... For me, there’s an alternative timeline since 2016 that splits off and that I can see but is just out of

And this is what the Republicans want you to think.

Caucuses. Are. The. Worst.

From the chatter on social media I’ve learned Bernie won but also lost, Biden lost but this was also good for him and Hillary Clinton and Robby Mook rigged the app, and Pete Buttigieg is a CIA hitman. You know, completely sane stuff. 

Bernie has never lit a fire for me, I have to say. I find it interesting how powerful people’s perspective proves to be - Bernie lovers are convinced he’s for the people, while other camps are convinced he’s an egomaniac. Yet both groups point to his actions/words/etc as proof.

Perhaps I’ve been too scarred by the false hope of the Obama years, when so much optimism and excitement and energy quickly curdled and went sour after candidate Obama became President Obama, and he abandoned the grassroots campaign that had powered his victory.

There was no picture of Bernie. I mean his image is like The Bat Signal. Put it up and next you will smell Axe Body spray, Lays Potato Chips and farts

5-4, baby. Merrick who?

Why do you think Sanders remained in the race after the heart attack. His numbers dropped below 15 percent for the only time in the entire campaign. At that same moment, Warren passed 26 percent (peaking at 30 percent in several individual polls), giving her double the amount of support Sanders a 78-year-old man who

This seems pretty straightforward and not terribly offensive to me. “I don’t like him, but I’ll vote for him in the general because anything beats the loathsome orange creature.” Now if only everyone else in the Democratic party could get their shit together to think this way no matter who wins the nomination. Clearly

Yeah I’m not heaps shocked that a woman who spent her entire professional and public life getting fucked over by sexism is a little sensitive to sexism. Especially in the man who lost to her last time she applied for a job, where she got told she was too old and too generally heinous, and now he’s having another crack.

While Clinton is certainly towards the incrementalist side of this, I don’t think her criticisms here are about that debate. She’s specifically criticizing Sanders. I think she’d have more positive things to say about Warren.

Even if you’re ignoring Congress and governing by legislative order the results are limited.  Take Trump.  While there’s stuff we’re going to spend years, perhaps decades trying to repair (like our relationships with our allies) all his regulatory stuff can be reversed immediately.  Bernie can do whatever he wants in

Only because of Trump and a favorable court ruling.  As designed it was supposed to be insulated from political influence like that.  So it speaks well to Warren’s judgment.  Even so it’s much much more than Sanders has ever accomplished, despite having spent much longer in politics. 

For me, one of the biggest indicators of the cult of personality wrt Bernie is the lack of support for Warren.  She believes in the same kind of shit that he does, but is much more skilled at actually getting things done.  Hell, she created the CFPB even before she entered Congress and that’s much much more than