Yeah, it’d be like someone refusing to concede until 5 weeks after they’d been mathematically eliminated.
Yeah, it’d be like someone refusing to concede until 5 weeks after they’d been mathematically eliminated.
The problem is this - firstly, that Bernie’s supporters in 2016 were undeniably overwhelmingly white and male, and his losses were due to not appealing to other demographics, especially people of color. That’s something Bernie has said himself and admittedly worked hard to change over the last few years.
Add “analogies” to the list of things Bernie Bros are really bad at doing online.
Women of color are probably the most important constituency of the Democratic coalition, and dismissing Sanders’ supporters as angry white men is bullshit when he has plenty of prominent supporters that come from other important Democratic constituencies.
They also include prominent elected officials like Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and most recently Pramila Jayapal; all women of color, not angry white leftist men behind computer screens. Where do they fit in the culture Sanders has permitted? Are they included, or deliberately…
She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary” nonsense certainly didn’t help her…
Bernie fanned the flames by calling her a liar. I’m not surprised she refused to shake his hand. He basically attacked her integrity on live television.
This only reinforces my belief that he has no genitals. Under his trousers, his groin is as smooth and formless as a Ken doll.
I go back to what a feminist author once said:
His whole slogan “Not Me, Us.” has rang hollow from the start.
If it wasn’t about you, you would have sat this one out when your friend, who you claim you encouraged to run in 2016, decided to throw their hat in the ring this round. Especially when you supposedly ran in 2016 because She refused to do so. With the…
It’s impossible to know what was said at the meeting, which was a private one; both clearly believe their version of events.
Look, no one wants Mommy Liz and Daddy Bern to fight.
Have you ever noticed that those who decry what they call “identity politics” always seem to default towards voting for and supporting white men. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, amirite?
Warren nailed it.
The finale of The Office, an extremely popular TV show that had “celebrities” on it, had under 4 million viewers. Nikkie’s coming out video currently has over 16 million views. Does this help you understand? Or do you just hate the internet as a platform for people getting famous?
It’s also a really silly sentiment coming from the volunteers of any Democratic politician. Spoiler: They all went to college and are in a privileged enough position in their lives to be able to work for free or very cheaply as a political volunteer.
Sanders has a cultural blind spot. Of course, he opposes ethnic, racial, gender and identity bigotries, but he’s got the practical perspective of a childish libertarian who wants to pretend that none of that shit matters and is better off ignored. That if we become too focused on demanding cultural equality, we…
Well this site didn’t report it but just last week Bernie had to fire someone he’d just hired who turned out to be a homophobe.
Yes Barack Obama, a black man in America, figured out that Republicans were dishonest during his presidency. It didn’t occur to him during his political career before that or when they were portraying him and his family as monkeys or saying he wasn’t born here or any of the other indignities he suffered at their…