RE: Trump - I’m going with “I hope he shits himself to death. There, that’s the sum of my thoughts on Donald Trump.”
RE: Trump - I’m going with “I hope he shits himself to death. There, that’s the sum of my thoughts on Donald Trump.”
Eight months later, it’s unclear exactly how those funds are being used, and reports portray the Obria health centers as deeply unprepared to provide the services initially promised.
I’m sorry but this is bullshit. I’m not a Klobuchar supporter. She needs to withdraw from the race. But what she said was ABSOLUTELY TRUE. Is it now that saying something that is truthful is picked apart and judged “shallow” because the person who said it doesn’t pass the leftist purity test? That’s just stupid.…
Actually it was up to Pelosi. And this is what we have. She was waiting for it, she got it, and it’s a strong case. Likely the Senate will not vote to convict but they will have to vote, on the record, for this kind of crook. Which probably is going to hurt them in the long term (see The Meanest Snowflake’s…
Did you guys know that Bernie marched with MLK? Just not sure if that’s been sufficiently covered. Because Bernie marching with MLK is the key to women’s empowerment I’m pretty sure.
She’s got a point.
I keep pointing this out to people. There are reasons Black Democrats and poorer Democrats in red states are reluctant to support the uber-left Democrats in the field, yes that is Elizabeth Warren, sorry Jez comments. It is because if Warren (or Sanders, or whomever) loses the vast majority of the pain falls on them.…
Hey folks, in case you didn’t realize, the Fastidious Frankie guy is a right wing troll, quit falling for this shit.
It’s one thing to see the misleading NTY’s tweet misquoting him and then firing off angry reactionary tweets, but it’s another to have the full context of his statement and still decide to sit down and write about it and pretend he said something he never said.
Reality bites. This is our reality. Either you vote for the person who is living in reality or you vote for the person who is selling you a pipe dream.
Agreed. I don’t see Obama backing down here, I see him handholding a bunch of wealthy liberal donors whose liberalism is so shaky that the prospect of a tax on even a miniscule portion of their wealth may send them fleeing across the aisle. If cozening these people is the way to keep them in the boat, roll on, Mr.…
Jesus, these articles and comments that seem to come out on a monthly basis purely to bash Hillary and mealy-mouth about how she MIGHT be MARGINALLY better than Trump are the worst.
I’m dismissing all the shitty snarky replies about Clinton because fuck you, that’s why. She’s had enough shitty comments from the G/O commentariat and I’m sick of it.
Exactly. There’s certainly a discussion to be had about what I guess you might call “relative privilege”, and how privilege is often context-dependent. Like for me, as a white, middle-class, cis-gendered guy who is also on the autism spectrum, so long as I can show up, nod politely, and not start talking about Lord of…
As a KC resident, it certainly feels like most people want an MLK Boulevard in the city... just not shoehorned into the easily-referenced and well-known Paseo Blvd. When the name was changed in the first place it felt a lot like “hey here’s a road that runs through the black part of town, I bet we could slap MLK on…
Loving!!!! that you have all changed your avatars over to the GMG Union badges.
I know I’ll probably remain in the greys forever, but I just wanted to point out that the post addressing the autoplay videos is gone. Hopefully it gets reposted or addressed, that seems shady AF since they never delete posts here.
The scariest thing about the ouija board story is that a Chick Tract gained enough sentience to write it!
I understand, but things can get nasty on the campaign trail, and I just remember one sourpuss Bernie face at Hillary’s nomination event. Wasn’t a great look, and not one I’d like to see repeated because some people didn’t get their way again.
Part of my job is reviewing and editing written content. I’ve noticed with male bosses, they think everything they write is on par with MLK’s letter from Birmingham jail. Random capitalization, unnecessary commas popping up like groundhogs, incomplete sentences, no paragraph breaks, no main ideas... I’ve seen many…