
So, she reveals that she supports trans people and that she’s learning and trying to better herself on a topic and human condition that she wasn’t familiar with for most of her life. And the takeaway here is that that’s “not pretty”? The purity tests are unreal.

The fact that Bernie brings the crowds to his appearances that dwarf nearly all other candidates and certainly Trump’s, proves the need to hear his message.

I know Krueger can’t help herself

there was one demographic on the face of the planet that was genuinely enthused about Clinton’s candidacy, and she broke ranks with them.

Counterpoint: Sarandon is a shithead who told people to vote 3rd party to burn it all down send a message to the establishment. While she was also completely aware that, should Trump end up winning, she would be completely shielded from any of the worst consequences by virtue of her being a rich celebrity who lives

Clinton was a bad candidate.

Damn, come on. I wish Obama was still in charge as much as anybody, but the man doesn’t owe us shit. For one thing, he’s doing a hell of a lot more than Netflix deals right now. He’s done more to help more Americans just since he left office than almost everyone reading this comment will do in their entire lives, the

Now playing

Oh I see, you’re just #thanksobama-ing this. VOTE THE RIGHT PEOPLE INTO OFFICE. What, you want Obama to just go on social media and say the same shit he’s said a million times? I love how you’re irritated he didn’t give any suggestions as if he hasn’t “suggested” what to do a thousand fucking times. You want him to

Jesus, did Obama run over the Splinter office dog or something?

He also failed to mention any specific steps Americans could take to mitigate mass shootings, like background checks or red flag laws, policies he could spend his time championing loudly now that he’s no longer running the country.

It’s nice for Bernie that he gets to decide when a progressive issue is a little too hot for him to fully embrace without threatening his senate seat.

Why is everybody bending over backwards pretending he is unaware?

Why is everybody bending over backwards pretending he is unaware? We’re talking about like a 5 minute briefing for god’s sake. Will this be how he governs? Reagan 2.0?

One of my favorite things to do when people use dog whistles like that is to play dumb as fuck. A friend of a friend’s sister commented that she didn’t like how “dark” her neighborhood has gotten and I was pretending I thought she was talking about street lamps. This went on for ages and she kept getting increasingly

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

“Bernie is genuine, Warren is not. That is palpable, which means you can feel it. It doesn’t need to be explained. It just is.” 

I’m just gonna go ahead and say that Bernie should do what he should’ve done before he announced his 2020 candidacy (his 2016 run was fine—and necessary): Step aside for Warren, and be the elder statesman he’s earned the right to be.

Not everyone needs to be President. Shit, President isn’t even the strongest office in

Bernie will never drop out. Bernie will never pass the torch. Because Bernie has devoted himself to building a movement that can only have him at its center. The concessions he has made in the past, like supporting Hillary after losing the primaries in 2016, were clearly done only because he would have taken even more

Sorry Bernie, I already have a preferred supplier of presidential action items. 

So instead of getting behind Kamala Harris or Julian Castro POC are going for the third Obama term? Part of me thinks the main reason they are all in on Biden, for now mind you, is that they think he is the only one that can beat Trump. I’d like to remind my people that Barack and Hilary both got more vores than any