Private prisons are legal slave plantations. Kansas wants to sell humans to Arizona for their slave factories.
Private prisons are legal slave plantations. Kansas wants to sell humans to Arizona for their slave factories.
The DNA thing was stupid but the fact that people are clinging so hard to what amounts as a gaffe, while excusing more abhorrent behavior from other frontrunners, is straight up misogyny.
Don’t run through buildings with dirty shoes. Who do you think has to clean that floor?
This all feels weird, because on one hand, yeah, he gets pieces like this. On the other hand, he is derided endlessly on cable news for having “no accomplishments” or joked about because he stands on things or treated as an airhead or talked about as a non-factor/dime-store Kennedy.
I see Krueger’s obsession with Hillary hasn’t gone away, even when writing about something that has nothing to do with politics.
I lived in missouri most of my life, and thought it was slightly better than kansas at least. now that I have to live in kansas, I realize that even though brownback was a shitstain, kansas is slightly better than missouri. Come stay with me if you need an abortion, ladies. I have a couch and friendly cats.
He was a law enforcement officer.
Unless he doesn’t win the primary, then it’s back to “me” again.
You know, your post is almost just fine, until you really crash and burn at the end.
“Everyone should drop out except Bernie.”
No, this is where you come to preemptively absolve anyone who would call themselves pro-choice but who refused to use what power they had in 2016 to prevent this entirely predictable outcome. It is also where you come to pretend that anyone venting frustration about those irresponsible voters doesn’t also understand…
Sure. St. Bernie has no impact on his supporters. (rolls eyes)
The ‘Bernie or No One’ & Jill Stein voters will never, ever feel an ounce of shame for their decision. Our courts have been packed for decades with extremists and they still think some deus ex machina is coming to unfuck this mess and give them all the magical things they want.
Warren’s calling it like it is. I like it. I don’t know why she’s not the clear front-runner right now—besides the obvious reason that she’s a woman with the experience and vision to do a good job—but she absolutely should be. I’m still willing to be swayed during this primary, but I like Warren. I think she’d do a…
Of all the stories I’ve heard about Trump stiffing a bill, this is the only one I’m ok with. $2 mil for what? For taking him hostage over potentially phony petty theft charges (even if he did take it, it was a fucking poster) and doing something to place him in a vegetative state before sending him home?
You know, as a designer myself, I was at first thrilled to see this headline. How cool that someone not in the field even noticed! But it’s just a boring, thinly veiled hit piece on a longshot candidate based on... what, exactly? The fact that Buttigeig doesn’t have policy ready years in advance? That he thought…
Shortly before this, Tucker seized on Nicolle Wallace saying Buttigieg is “chicken soup for my soul,” which, yeah, is weird in its own right (but also surprisingly apt, as the Chicken Soup books she’s referencing are basically Buttigieg as a candidate: lukewarm, vaguely-Christian slog that makes people feel warm…
First of all: fuuuuuuck you. Sanders did the ceremonial thing at the convention, he hit the trail for Clinton, he did what was asked of him.