
Honestly this comment on immigration is couched in most of the stupid crap he’s said pertaining to “white working class” people being left out in the cold and his assertion that income equality will cure all societal ills (see: racism.)

It explains his power base (mostly white people) and that’s who he caters to. I’d

Lol, how does the Sanders camp feel now having to defend against vague, baseless accusations of a “conspiracy” against him?


Next week on Splinter:

Right he’s no better than Trump or Clinton. He’s old and black too. He opposed gay marriage and said “God Bless America” when given the chance. He even wore a tan suit.

I’m gonna dog ear this piece here.

So, can Fox begin acknowledging that he’s fucking senile now? Just screaming out Fake News at things he doesn’t like being asked about is like actual dementia-level-cognitive function. It makes zero sense and is hostile and insane.

Yeah it sucks when you have to view a candidate who speaks in obvious platitudes, has seemingly good ideas that aren’t fully fleshed out, and spent his time in congress doing relatively nothing until a high profile election that he lost catapulted him to run for president.

Funny that a certain candidate around here is so favored and YET still doesn’t have his Policy and issues listed despite having been in the races officially with a month’s head start

We need ALL candidates, not just Beto, to start coming out with some concrete policy proposals.

This is disingenuous. Do not pretend as if the political content of splinter, deadspin, jezebel, gawker, etc are completely separate spheres. and do not pretend like the commentary is basically “everyone and everything is shit (particularly competing sites) and while we pretend to be no-bullshit truth tellers, people

I don’t expect the media to their jobs and point out that the current occupant of the Oval Office was and has been the inspiration for not some but all the violence carried out in places of worship and on the streets of not just The United States. No they will blame anyone or anything rather than look in the fucking

Look Splinter I know you think Beto is an empty suit that can’t hold a candle to the empty suit, Bernie Sanders, that you’ve hitched your wagon to since 2016 but look at it this way he meets your criteria for a democratic challenger, white and male. I mean he and Bernie in the debates will be amazing. Neither one

This was the lamest, whitest attempt to walk back a lukewarm suggestion that Bernie shouldn’t run ever. And to be fair, I never once believed that Nolan really thought Bernie shouldn’t run; it was more that he heard the surging tide of people suggesting Bernie shouldn’t run and decided to hop on a bandwagon just in

Cummings comes from a time where if you didn’t smooth the feathers of a snowflake racist because they were called racist, you could wind up swinging from a tree.

He’s a person who envisions the “working class” as dads on the factory line, not single moms who are waitresses. And it’s painfully obvious.

My problem with Sanders is he is too much of a grandstanding bullshiter. He deals with not getting his way by shouting and pouting. Putting down those who don’t necessarily agree with his “burn it all to the ground” mentality.

What makes me extremely nervous about Bernie is his pandering to the “white working class,” which is really pandering to whiteness. People of color are also working class, but he puts a divide down. For women and people of color, we don’t have “identity politics” - a phrase he’s used several times, it’s just politics.

“Some of us, not me, pinched our noses and voted for Hilldawg.”

I already had my piece to say earlier today, and honestly my time is too valuable to write it again so forgive me the paraphrase: My hope is that if he starts losing again this time around, which, real talk, he probably will, he bows out and his fans take the hint and refrain from harassing the shit out of anyone