
It’s bad enough that you believe that a centrist Democrat would be actively shitting on alliances that are older than any of the commenters here, be selling our nation out wholesale to the goddamned Russians, or be actively violating Constitutional norms and processes in favor of salving their ego with a

wait, hold up. So despite the fact that the people working the case has already claimed that the report claiming the attack to be a hoax was uninformed, and that the people in charge of the fucking show have denied that they were even writing the character off, somehow the idea that Jussie Smollett hired two extras

Let me add to this to the above, though, and i think this is important. Believing victims is critical because we want that show of support to future victims. It’s imperative that they come forward when something happens to them. Completely discounting even WEIRD events is what keeps victims from reporting abusers. A

Yeah - I am an older millennial, so when the Great Recession hit I was just out of college. The shock of realizing exactly how fucked my parents’ generation made our world ON FUCKING PURPOSE hit me like a ton of bricks. I was liberal before but I bought into a lot of the centrist/conservative economic “principles.”

I am honestly beginning to ask is there any man in politics that isn’t a predator or doesn’t have an accusation waiting behind the corner to be exposed. The GOP can’t stand on any moral high ground but god knows that won’t stop them from trying. The GOP has pushed some of the most vile and sickening individuals you

She’s alpha.

It’s being seen as a slight to Abrams because it is a slight to Abrams.

Fuck that smirking little maggot-ass whiteboy.

No “charisma”: is that the new, pretend-I’m-not-being-a-misogynist way of complaining, yet again, that powerful women aren’t “likable?”

I look forward to the day that a Democrat says they are running for President and is not immediately torn down by the left. These comments are ridiculous, and I am sure Splinter is writing up a 5,000 word hit piece about every negative thing she has ever done as we speak. I may not even vote for Kamala, but I’m really

The responses are fucking insane. I can’t see how anyone finds it offensive to suggest it’s better that a grown man intervene when a school kid is being beat up by a gang of kids?

Let’s also not forget that every one of those historical events that fool #1 listed would not have happened without the giant contributions of women who were then later erased to bolster the story of man’s greatness.

counterpoint - this glass-eyed lizard bitch is a union-busting monster whose rapacious, vicious, unceasing pursuit of wealth has made him undeserved overseer of enough money to provide a good living to the inhabitants of several entire countries. fuck him, fuck his murder-factory company, and fuck anything he ever

Oh good lord....Things increased like medical coverage and a higher minimum wage have always had majority support with the public, stop acting Bernie is some soothsayer that has shown us the light. When his influence is strong enough that some of these actual things into law, then talk to me.

You’re right. They have actually accomplished things in their time in government.

Why should I be “civil” to people who literally think I am less of a man because of the color of my skin?  White supremacy will scream about civility while calling us niggers and we're supposed to be nice when we tell them theyre assholes?

Conservatives do not have a monopoly on racism or defense of racism.

Stop saying he’s a fucking standard bearer for the Democratic party. The man is a fucking INDEPENDENT. I don’t want anything to do with his grifter ass.

It’s usually Katherine who gets my dander up, but she’s been fairly merciful towards my contrariness so far.