Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.
His last name gives it away, man is 100% cracker.
Exactly this. Everyone loved Elizabeth Warren when she didn’t represent an actual threat of a vagina in the White House. Now that her candidacy isn’t quite so theoretical, she’s much less palatable to a huge swath of so-called “liberals.”
Look, I warned you guys. Feel free to pull a Jezebel and banhammer me but I made a promise and I fucking keep my promises.
This is some weak ass bullshit. The Democrats had no power. We’ve known since Kennedy retired that this was a losing battle, but it was a battle that the Democrats had to fight. They mounted as effective a campaign against Kavanaugh as could be made, and they lost, which was absolutely to be expected. This loss was…
*reads comments*
I’m a Missourian. And while I wish she were more liberal, I will hold my nose and vote for her. Considering her last opponent was Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akins, she’s a good hold against anything the republicans can offer our state let alone our country. This midterm cannot be a time to sit on the benches because the…
Honestly, I’m kind of annoyed at all the dudes commenting today.
“And so does the pointless shock. In a world where violence against women is common, this shock feels tepid.” This reminded me of what I’ve been reading about the Mollie Tibbetts case. The slant the right is trying to take is in order to further their agenda. The only part that matters to me is the actual truth. That…
Shanann Watts.
Gun control and mass shootings are such a problem Fox business is hawking bullet proof backpacks on air while refusing to discuss the real problem. Immigrant crime waves are a made up problem to stoke racism. There is no comparison between the two
By your logic we shouldnt trust this Jimmy Bennett as anything more than extortion right? Except in both cases the claims were heavily vetted by the media you disparage and Weinstein is actually facing criminal charges because she wasnt the only one to speak up.
This SNL skit says what needs to be said about men and women’s rights.
Some of these comments are exactly as I expected.
Strange how all these calls for “reason” and “cooler heads” start popping up the minute a “progressive” is the one under the bulb.
1) Let not even go there with the whole DNC email bs, Prachi, ESPECIALLY with the Bernie Bros and that 53% of White women voted for Trump. Black women-you know, the ones who actually showed the fuck up to vote for a woman who could have started progressive policy and not turn our government into flaming dumpster pit-…
I booked the day off work, and my train tickets to London, the moment Trump’s visit date was confirmed. I’ve been saying all along that the orange cockwomble will inevitably chicken out of coming, but after the time I put into making my protest banner last weekend, the fucker had better actually come. (I mean, I know…
I’m sure a woman 10 years from now, weeping over her positive pregnancy test after being raped, will wipe her tears away, take a deep breath, and say “well, at least Brett Kavanaugh went to Yale.”
They’re classical liberals now.
And I bet those same people wetting themselves over libertarianism in 2007-2008 bitch about neoliberalism now.