So let’s see, in the last 2 days at the SCOTUS.......
So let’s see, in the last 2 days at the SCOTUS.......
Swap out support of unions for support of guns and this might as well be one of the never ending supply of rants during the Obama admin that the right were going to revolt and “take [their] country back” from the socialist, Kenyan, Muslim, atheist dictator. But you know what? They actually did. And they didn’t do it…
IF people actually voted, Trump wouldn’t even be in office, never mind a second term.
I read the NY Mag version of this story and then clicked on the word libertarian. It made my fucking day.
While Paul most definitely antagonized the guy, I also believe that some people are just so fucking nuts about their lawns, views, neighbors, etc. and get angry over the most insane shit. And I’m sorry, they’re usually retired and have nothing else to do but mow their lawns twice a day and spend the rest of the time…
they spend enough time Not doing something to stare at their neighbor’s lawn so aggressively it makes them mad
During the election I kept trying to point out to all the “they’re both the same” 3rd party (lets be honest they were all white) assholes that 1) No, they’re not. and 2) Its not about them, its about the courts.
“We are all led by females now.”
There’s a little part of me that thinks the militant progressives are actually delighted whenever a Republican wins because the far left bailed on the Democratic candidate.
You’ll also never convince them their piss-pants refusal to vote for Hillary Clinton had something to do with Trump being elected.
HamNo is the worst kind of white liberal asshole. He always knows what’s best, his shit never stinks, and if you don’t do what he tells you when he tells you, you’re the asshole. Isn’t this the guy who went to Howard because he “loved hip-hop?” Yeah. Fuck this guy.
You wrote a lot of fancy words to say “stop talking shit about Trump if you want to keep your jobs”.
You’re nailing this. The solution, as always, is to skew toward an older, politically disinterested audience who will definitely keep your company relevant in the years to come.
I feel like if she started with listing her accomplishments, she’d be given shit for that, too.
Im not the only one who could tell those cops were way too eager to find an excuse to practically dry hump this woman right? Never ceases to amaze me how racists can want us dead yet secretly-but-not-that-secretly-if-you-pay-attention lust after us