
Empire Burlesque isn't that bad a record. The first song is kinda great.


Damn, was really hoping you had at least one Fiery Furnaces CD (the best damn FF band there ever was) just to hear your thoughts on them. Ah well. See you again in thirty years when we're all purging our hard-drives, bruh!

Very excited to see this band for the third time in Toronto. But also super bummed that they happen to be playing the same night as Built to Spill. Oh well. I think Titus takes the cake, this time!

HAHAHA, I think Pawnsylvania is one of the really under-rated arcs in that show. I usually forget about it until it pops up when I'm re-watching, and it's just so good. That and C-Czar.

Really enjoying this, I was anticipating you getting to Blur seen as I'm a relatively new but big fan. While I think you should consider listening to 13 again, I think they're at their most satisfying at an earlier stage. The self-titled album is good! Don't throw them out! But yeah, peace out 'TT' and 'BnD'…

Rivalry between Oldham and Callahan? A simple Google image search of the two of their names will provide you with a picture of them sitting on a bench, side by side. A little more scouring (wish I could find it, it's probably on my hard-drive… somewhere) is a black and white picture of a young Oldham up in the balcony

Disagree. Think Tank is way more of a Gorillaz album than a Blur record, IMO.

Thanks for posting about this, AV Club. I can tell you from up here that a lot of Toronto is pretty bummed out right now.

Thanks for coming out.


Oh my god, I thought I was the only one who watched through old seasons.

I can't believe no one has mentioned "Ex-Con" from Red Apple Falls, the album just before Knock Knock! Pretty sure Jim O'Rourke produced that record. There are some sad fucking crushers on there too, and "Ex-Con" almost works as an up-beat mid-record song in the same way that "Cold Blooded" does.

Pere Ubu - "Non-Alignment Pact"

Official Statement: