blanche devereaux's nightgowns

Just here for the comments:

I love how much these people love each other. Timothy Simons and Tony Hale did a video for her last round, too, and it’s adorable.


I feel so old. Raise your hand if you were watching season 3 when Keith was kicked off for pattern books!

When I was little, my mom bought me a comic book that showed me how deal with these weirdos.

Aaand now I’m pregnant

Hard pass.

To further your point, my friend: it’s not just that she lied. She lied about be a perfect white lady victim and got got.

Put out a mediocre song, apparently.

what did we make her do

You know what? I’m usually pretty civil here, but my mother and sister are both in the Houston area right now. Both voted straight D in the last election, and definitely believe in global warming.

Surely this story must be fake news then: