
Do you actually consider Santana to be better than Kershaw? Does 10 starts really mean that much to you? The ten most recent starts trumps years and years of data?

And if those 10 starts are really the only tool you are going to use to judge pitching (which is preposterous)’re relying strictly on ERA as the

That’s really only true if both defenses were exactly equal and both lineups were of the same caliber, which is never the case. Consistently losing 2-1 games is more likely to reveal more about your team than anything else.

I mean his decline is pretty consistent with someone at the age he claims. He hit 40 homers with 117 OPS+ in his ‘alleged’ age 35 season which is still pretty impressive.

The Warriors drafted three all-stars and signed one star. I hardly think they ‘bought’ this team. This could only happen this offseason because of the unprecedented cap hike and also the ankle woes that allowed signing Steph Curry to a ridiculous bargain of a contract 3 summers ago. The CBA isn’t setup to allow 4

Yeah but then every non-star would be forced to take massive paycuts which is why the players union would never agree to it.

Erik Karlsson is the best offensive d-man in the league and it’s not even close.

I agree they are setup to potentially be very good but I would reckon it’ll take at least 2-3+ years which isn’t THAT soon

He has dipped the last two seasons but more accurately from the 100 point range to 85 range. He only hit 120 once and that was 9 years ago.

Except Draymond Green is a second team All-NBA player and two time runner up for DPOY and his versatility is the reason the Warriors can play the Death Lineup and Mario Chalmers is well....Mario Chalmers. Other than that though, great point!

You could make a reasonably argument that jump shooting teams have won the last 5 NBA titles. Spurs were closest recent champ to have an interior presence but Duncan was hardly the focal point of their recent title team. Lebron’s Heat teams all bombed away and never had any interior presence outside of Lebron’s post

Feel like I’ve heard that before....

Nick Collison was a Sonic. Not a relevant player anymore but still technically on the team.

One impressive block is somehow worth more than YEARS of evidence that Kyrie is horrible defender? That his teams frequently get torched when he’s put into the pick and roll? And YOU’RE complaining about people having selective memories?

Or the fact that Dame has been among the worst defenders in the league since he joined?

You forgetting about the record shattering back to back league MVP?

Haven’t watched the Warriors play this year have you?

Best shooter in the history of the game. Probably the best handles in the game, great passer, great rebounder for size and position and has become at least an average defender playing within the Warriors scheme.

I get your gripe with Steve Francis but pre-injuries Grant Hill was an all-time great kind of talent.

It’s very gneiss but we shouldn’t take it for granite.

DeMarcus Cousins was on the All-NBA second team last season on a really bad Kings team.