
They're supposed to be in Charlie's mind, right? Thought he had a head wound.

Was the reviewer referring to the line reading of "sweet-ass biscuits" or just saying it was a weird term in general? I've heard it interchangeably used before.

Wow, I should've watched the opener twice. The Enforcer was not present. And I didn't even catch the subtle expression LL seemed to give Eleanor (who was the one who stepped forward at the balcony with the machete and a bloody face). Didn't seem clear if the two had acknowledged each other but I'm leaning toward it.

I could've sworn there was a quick shot of the Enforcer's face covered in blood, standing on a second floor balcony looking down at Lyle Lovette investigating the bloody aftermath. Guess I'll have to rewatch to confirm.

Small thing but I thought it was awesome how the girls had no qualms walking to Harlem to recover Abbi's phone, but had horror-stricken nightmares walking through UES…that and how Abbi successfully got everyone in the bar to sympathize with her. I'm really liking this show more and more!

What a killer episode! I was thinking the ending damn near matched the emotional punch South Park delivered when Stan started drinking. Definitely resonates as an 'innocence lost' episode.

Ya'll rated Common's album a C but Gucci Mane's BATYL gets a C+? Seriously?! Common's lyrical content alone should rate higher than this.