
i’m infinity percent pro choice, but once the fetus is out and if it is alive, then yeah, they should treat the baby like any other premature baby—now some parents can choose for a very ill/injured/etc baby to receive only palliative care after birth, but for whatever reason, the baby was deemed able to survive out of

Okay, so first off, I greatly support right to choose and agree with most of your thoughts, minus your first one. That is misleading as shit. For its size, TN has more counties than you would expect, 95. TN has 3 major cities in Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville. 7 of the top 10 population counties border a county

I don’t think is really about abortion rights. Nobody is more prochoice than I am, but jabbing a coat hanger into yourself at 6 months is not...normal.

I mean, I see your point, but radical Islamists are literally enslaving women.

Because the US courts will honor their lawsuit against you. Same as if you went to Italy and borrowed money from an Italian bank at a crazy interest rate.

Yes. The fine print says they operate from a soverign nation that is not the US and is not reachable by US courts.

Step 1. Get uneforcable loan for as much as possible.
