
If we supported the south to become a democracy not a banana republic, the war might of been different

You know Vietnam is who defeated the kamar ruge? They viewed them as extremist who destabilized the region.

Because HIV for 90% of the people who get itnarw drug addicts or sexual deviants

You can’t cancel out fake death threats

Actually yes from day one they said it was based off the star fighter

The majority of the people didn’t care about the curropt souh government.

Vietnam has expressed a desire to westernize their military equipment.

The most powerful military in the world and a boat load of nukes is its protection.

Proof there is no such thing as white privilege

The z man is a POC he is welcomed here.

How good will this be at bombing hospitals?

It should be noted this wont be a 115m write off. More like a 20million or less write off. Everything but the airframe is fine, all those parts will either just be stripped and put in the new airframe or used as spares.

Other news gawker fires their only black employee

The face of mental illness. Remember the good old days when we use to sterilise these fruits?

Totally agree if pp didn’t give out condoms no one could ever find them!

II know if we didn’t give out condoms for free no one could afford them! I mean they cost what 50 bucks each?

Hey now no slut shaming Jezebel!

This sounds like a post Jay Hathaway should of done where is he?

Ok want me to blow up a mosque?

Nope I just want to see AL raqqi nuked