
There’s that “liberal bias” I keep hearing about at ESPN. Luckily, we have heroes like Clay Travis and Britt McHenry to defend to good name of Preside...sorry, can’t finish, vomiting out of my eyes.

Are you telling me a burner named John Galt is followed by LH?

There was absolutely no reason for this to be a video.

It was the day Sergio Dipp made his NFL sideline debut.

Failed model? You mean post-war US? Yes, the most egalitarian society in modern history was definitely a failure. When the boomers wax poetic about the “good old days” that’s what they’re talking about. Everyone had a job that paid them a living wage. Hell, a milkman could support a family of four. But, you’re

If you have a government you live in a socialist society. Saying you want people to have healthcare isn’t some radical position that’s going to cause a mass breakdown.

Yeah, sports and big venues are great, but public financing for something featuring a corporate name, largely corporate box seats and season tickets used as a tax write-off for sports corporations pisses me off. Unless we get socialized medicine and actual job-creating, successful industries. And free beer.

whoa girl what???

I’m sure she’s grateful for the reduced attention. I would be.

Jezebel likes to pretend this never happened.

The woman who first told the story as a blind item has said it was not Louis CK. Another comic, Doug Stanhope, came forward and said it was him, not Louis CK. So why is he still being tarred with this brush? I’m sure he’s not without faults, but it’s been pretty much verified that this isn’t one of them.

She will be exactly what Trump looks for in staff: soldiers who follow orders.

Trump also reportedly treats the former model like a daughter, which felt really creepy to type.

If so, what does that mean? If we look today we’ll find leaders in Washington praising Saudi Arabia, China, and Russia.

He says he was hacked but there’s actual video of him liking the tweet

Again: They’re not equal opportunity. 2 episodes that get it right on trans issues do not a “Mrs. Garrison” arc erase.

They’re not “equal opportunity.” They’re “oooooh you’re not SUPPOSED to mock Jews and Transpeople and gays that way but we GO THERE!!!”

Many sides, many sides.

Doesn’t South Park usually take the view of “there’s blame on both sides”?

Their only sin, really, is caring about anything. It’s like, chill out, dude. Nothing matters, can’t you see?