I love this game so damn much. The little details really kill me. Like the little 8-bit Santa that goes across the screen on the 24th Day of Winter. They just get it.
I love this game so damn much. The little details really kill me. Like the little 8-bit Santa that goes across the screen on the 24th Day of Winter. They just get it.
Any time there’s a small example it’s explained away or ignored. When there’s a big example it gets thrown into the Conspiro-tron 9000 and people just say it never existed/false flag
I was surprised he went for governor over mayor but I’m going to bet this governor’s race is to get his name out there for mayoral race in 2019.
Whoever can beat Rauner is who I want to win.
Yeah JB Pritzker has the backing of the Madigans and is already running ads and doing campaign stops at the state fair. Hopefully he doesn’t become the frontrunner because he was identified as one of the people who wanted to pay for a seat from Rod Blagojevich.
Yeah fuck them for acting in the self-interest in the free market! Everybody knows ‘free market’ means ‘workers don’t negotiate’!
Madison seems content to pat itself on the back for being this progressive hub of Wisconsin while remaining completely ignorant to their own problems.
I think they’re more afraid that if they don’t ask 9 part questions they’ll get yes/no answers to one part questions.
Raise the individuals tax rates, raise the pass through rates, and raise the capital gains rates, but absolutely lower the corporate rate.
Our entire disaster relief plan is akin to that Marriott boat after Harvey only saving those who stayed at the hotel.
We hold athletes to a higher standard as examples to kids than the President of our country.
Too bad King of Queens is taken.
It would have been so easy for her production team to give him some money for the clip and avoid this altogether.
Hey remember when Charlie Rose had the last good interview show in the entirety of broadcasting? Remember when he was the last of the old guard of interviewers who asked penetrating questions and prodded bullshit? Remember? I remember.
Read this and keep in mind that she attended both Georgetown and UPenn.
Nah man. Neptune #1. When Earth starts raining diamonds you come and talk to me.
Kinda excited about that Joan Didion documentary