There’s a free app called Libib where you can catalog books, movies, video games and music. I use it because I have a book buying habit and sometimes end up buying duplicates or don’t remember which book of a series I have/don’t have.
There’s a free app called Libib where you can catalog books, movies, video games and music. I use it because I have a book buying habit and sometimes end up buying duplicates or don’t remember which book of a series I have/don’t have.
Ballers is my hate-watch show. It’s Entourage x11000001010
I think that the technology from the San Junipero episode is way more likely and definitely their best prediction to date.
So qualified she couldn’t put together a platform to defeat a man who spent his time punching his own dick for the entire campaign season. There’s letting someone hang with their own rope and then there’s letting them become the hangman.
Looks like it
Let’s see we’ve got a lot of figures but no citations, we’ve got hyperbolic hypotheticals, we’ve got vague mentions of ‘things happening, and an evocation of Godwin’s Law! I’VE GOT ALT-RIGHT BINGO!!!!
Diamond Hard Atheist would be a great heel for a religious-themed wrestling federation
“Oh God! Please give me a sign to your will!”
Homosexuality? Unnatural and against god!
They missed the part where after her statement Sandra Bullock tripped into a meet-cute with a guy at a press conference, stammered a double-entredre she had to walk back, and then getting that guy’s number only to realize she had another date that day.
This is the best indictment of Evangelical theological viewpoint of “I’m a good person if I think I’m a good person but don’t need to do good things to be a good person.”
Or all their friends play PC and can’t believe they play on console.
She’s also playing at platinum level where most people give a shit about team composition and communication.
A lot of the narrative was severely disjointed between the narrative lines. Like where I couldn’t tell who was in the future or the past.
You have me intrigued
I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who thought Dunkirk sucked.
Was Logan Lucky good?
Watching Noam Chomsky completely own Buckley on his own program is something everyone should see. It’s not even fair.
Considering I don’t shop there I’m not “that guy”.
I’ll agree to that