
Buses don’t run past 6 in your town?

No buses serve poor people, the elderly and the disabled and serve a public good.

Oh so not a bus.

They could be saying “Daddy” which would be infinitely more creepy.

If it stops the sale of terribly made lapidary jewelry, wolves howling at moon t-shirts and bad “native” inspired art I’m all for it.

Right? Law is the law! That’s why we’re getting rid of the illegal immigrants and not going after the places that hire them, right? Law is the law!


You’re assuming he ties his ties.

They look very concerned about McCain.

Are those his staffers sitting behind him? Is that how these things work?

Yeah he’s just the President. Surely him “hoping” an investigation be dropped means nothing.

Here’s some important things that will probably impact the rest of the investigation:

This is because games that should qualify for backwards compatibility do not (I’m not buying Skyrim again) and ones that do are just one off the version you want. Example: Jet Set Radio is available but not Jet Set Radio Future which, incidentally, is now impossible to find.

You would think it would be Conservatives, above all other political persuasions, that would want that consistency. An even-keeled do-nothing, know-nothing who will just keep the lights on. Guess not.

Would you kindly direct your attention to those stories about seasteading and even people like Peter Thiel, a true believer, doesn’t think they’re possible.

I love playing Zarya in total mayhem. You’re invincible.

This idea that people “believe” in climate change is a trap in itself. Stop putting up the idea that climate change is like the holy spirit of how the earth works. Ask Trump, Pence, Pruitt and Spicer directly why they are not doing anything about climate change. Belief doesn’t matter. Their actions do.

It’s interesting to see Evangelicalism co-opt the words of consumption to push a religion that’s about nonmaterial community living and rejecting the kind of vanity being flaunted by these very well-dressed, well-coiffed Instagrammable pastors.

It’s also the same way he uses Ivanka to shield him from criticism