Hey Julian!
Hey Julian!
I bet it’s Jared Kushner. Because that dude’s in everything.
Jaden’s lucky he found the center of that group.
This is the kind of “I love garbage because it’s convenient and so should you” attitude that has kept a lot of industries afloat since industrialization. Just because they wrapped it up in the gender wars (at a time where advertising was extremely gendered) doesn’t make it revolutionary.
Hi have you been to Chicago? Because racism was baked into city planning since after the Chicago fire.
Even if he didn’t get paid it goes to show that he’s a sociopath
I read everything in Chandler’s voice on the Internet, like Kimmy Schmidt told me
Okay so they have taken step 1 to repeal Obamacare.
Mika could do so much better.
The grossest flavor of gatorade mixed with wing sauce from Alex’s Jones sweat-covered body and bitters made of Mitch McConnell’s sock sweat.
Don’t forget that they didn’t get to embargo Cuba.
Yeah but where’s the scapegoat liberal candidate to blame if Macron’s campaign implodes?
It’s amazing to me how a loaded phrase like “school choice”, which was used as an argument by segregationists since the 1950's, is still being used and touted as an egalitarian, market-based solution to education reform when it’s really just an old dog whistle that’s never stopped blowing.
Funny how all that deficit talk magically disappeared when they held the checkbook. Now it’s “spend money to make money”.
This is that whole accountability thing that TSA and Border Patrol don’t have. They can do whatever they want and not answer for it.
Their response is that churches should take care of it and people should volunteer when they can to help. But we shouldn’t give money to non-profits to develop full-time and part-time professional staff. That money should go to the DoD because missles and pew pew pew
If you want to shock people, show them the current time tables for visa processing by the State Department and tell them they aren’t being organized by birth date but by application date.
“Buckle up buckaroos! You’re about to have your civil rights taken away!”
To call every living person I know that I got a hole in one and I had witnesses?! Worth it.