And now, due to decreased food intake, it will be much weaker.
And now, due to decreased food intake, it will be much weaker.
Hi have you met the Freedom Caucus?
Or that we’re subsidizing private businesses in certain states to keep jobs there for the sake of keeping those jobs over transitioning those facilities to produce actually useful ships, planes, vehicles, etc.
First I’ll say that I think Hoopla is a really great app with great content. I pretty much use it for graphic novels and have been really happy with the selection. I also like that theres no wait ans things can be downloaded for offline play.
Yeah so here’s how ebooks and eaudiobooks work for libraries as it pertains to OverDrive: publishers set the terms. So libraries don’t actually own the books they buy, they own a license. The terms of which are: 1 book to 1 person, with a maximum number of checkouts per each item (say 15). After the max checkouts is…
God fucking dammit.
My condolences. The ‘neighborhood schooling’ thing is the reason Chicago Public Schools are so uneven in terms of performance.
This is the part that people who are all about school choice don’t get: private schools don’t effect your housing price as much as the state of public schools.
It won’t dismantle.
This makes me incredibly sad. We’re in the golden age of television. Why are we bringing back the shitty parts of the 90s?
Holy shit
What’s the point of Winston now?
What they want is to make weed profitable for gangs again and then swear up and down that legalizing doesn’t work, even in the face of facts that it does, so they can scare more white people into approving the building of private prisons.
God forbid people go on vacation and not play games.
Yeah but is she still in love with Cougar?
Pining for the Bush years?
I can’t tell if this is good ol’ American optimism here to crush us under heel once again (Look on the bright side! Don’t complain! It could always be worse!) or if this is just a sigh of relief by people who have to debate this shit every day. Not an excuse, just trying to figure it out.
This is the definition of the Trump presidency in regards to every form of enforcement.