
First, it can fly on one engine. The rotors are crosslinked via a transmission and driveshaft. Second, while it can’t autorotate, it absolutely can land like a plane — the rotors just end up being toast.

$1500 into his 401(k)? Dude’ll never have enough to retire comfortably at that rate.

“None of these approaches resonated with the Samueli’s vision for a classic but sophisticated update with a color scheme that showed competitive toughness and a tie to Orange County

Why would you buy the product again after you hated it the first time?

Why would you buy the product again after you hated it the first time?

The “green side” helos also used to fly TBS lieutenants around the backwoods of Quantico back in the day. Not sure if that’s still the case.

The hockey fans of the DC Metro Area would love for both Milbury and Piere to find a deep ditch to lie down in and stay there

I got to take a tour of Bunker Hill once - so awesome, I remember it like yesterday, even though it was over half my life ago.

I didn’t star your comment so much as I starred whatever drugs you are on today.

Never heard of it...aaaaaand down the rabbit hole I go.

I’m not enjoying this season of “The Wire” at all.

To me, you haven’t batted around until you’ve fucked up my scorecard. Ten.

The interesting thing here was the existence of her “camp.”

Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.

Hey Lana...

Gave that beach a stallion. Beaches love stallions.

Fair enough; I guess living in san diego, you tend to get used to mirimars' shit flying around all the time. lol

I do love Yankees and Zulus

there is so much fail in your post.

It's a military sub of Jalopnik.