When I saw the report that May 2020 was the hottest on record it occurred to me that we’re playing out the plot of Do the Right Thing on a national level.
When I saw the report that May 2020 was the hottest on record it occurred to me that we’re playing out the plot of Do the Right Thing on a national level.
I for one am eager to share this on Social Media and listen to the resulting bad faith arguments in response.
An example of how well white people wash their hands:
“myself, my wife, and her boyfriend”
Also, pulling some classically wild conflation. Just as kneeling during the national anthem is somehow an insult to not only the flag, but also to the military, the police and also to first responders. Banning the confederate flag is somehow an affront to this guy’s right to bear arms under the constitution of the…
Wait until the outrage at finding out they lost the damn Civil War and NASCAR.
nice review—thanks!
That Crown Royal dress is amazing.
Oh I get it. I was born before Reagan. No pedantry needed here. ;P
Did not even know “Yahoo Finance” was still a thing. Did not know Yahoo Anything was still a thing.
I find it hilarious that people would buy tickets to a John Prine concert and then walk out when he played this song.
Nothing says “woke” more than a picture of a white dude and a black dude, risking it all during these pandemic times, doing a symbolic soul-shake.
“Disney would like to voice its continued support for a former employee who has completed all of his contractual obligations to us and whose actions thus won’t hurt our bottom line.”
Fuck Star Wars if you want to see John Boyega see Attack the Block.
The military has stricter rules of engagement than the police do.