
Examining the circumstances, no reasonable person can conclude that Guyger intended to kill Jean.

In his defense, tho, Burfict seems to understand that continuing to be a headhunter is gonna continue to pay his bills.

Me, listening to the new single Jesus Only Walks In Yeezy’s, 6 month’s after the intended release date:

No love for Alex Abrines, huh?

“I spent 37 years pretending to be people so that people can pretend to watch and enjoy what I’m doing,”

Gotta go with the Wiz

My man Willy got a spot for him

.....including a $95,000 My Little Pony necklace.

He should call my man Ace



All of this sounds legit.

Because when they look at him all they see is the fact that Barack picked him to be VP.

Isn’t it better to have the white dude in the hood commiserate, to seek parity, rather than engage in an endless cycle?

Simpin’ Joe Biden.

I just hope Nike put some bread in Kaep’s pocket.

Is this the appropriate time to remind people that Kaep is, in fact, available to play, or nah?

I don’t know.

As a Jets fan, I agree.