Blake Shrapnel

AMC is quite a bit more prudish than FX.

Scott Von Doviak (SVD). The man reviewing the show for AV Club. He doesn't have a very good grasp of the show's themes.

I'm pretty sure I remember Smith and Tagomi discussing whether the Nazis would buy it. So I think Smith knows.

This is our zenith. Its all downhill from here.

Plus, Nate Silver's analysis ends up being pretty close to the actual national popular vote turnout. The big(ly) problem was that there was no adequate state-level polling, especially in non-swing states (like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania)

Hitler didn't lose the election. It was parliamentary system, the Nazi party got more votes than any other party.

Remember, a lot of Trump's support came from people who were almost as angry at the traditional Republican party as they were at liberals.

What was the one weird tip you used?

I liked the Night Of, but it felt like it was less than the sum of its parts. And Review is awesome!

Yes, but T-Swift's figure looks much nicer in a leather greatcoat.

We must NEVER speak of that.

I haven't watched it, but wasn't the X-Files always a bit touch-and-go, even at its peak?

It's a bit of leaning on the fourth wall, as Gypsy and Taylor were both characters that a lot of fans thought were gay.

To me it sounded like some kind of Weyland-Yutani high level black-ops shit, not just a routine go-over by narrative. But I could be wrong.

Could you please explain what you mean about the structure?

Also know as "Pulling a Battlestar Galactica".

Sylvester and Felix did mention that some unknown person high up on the Delos corporate ladder had previously adjusted Maeve's specifications.

A Stop at Willoughby could be considered pretty dark, depending on the interpretation.

Or the one where the guy becomes Santa. It's one of my favorites.

Biologically speaking, what you experience as consciousness is the effect of physical chemical signals and electric potentials shooting around in your brain. Yes you could upload a copy or model of your brain to a computer, but from your perspective you'd just croak. You can't transfer consciousness.