Blake Shrapnel

Though hitting it at all with that clunky-ass ballista is a pretty big achievement. I don't think Qyburn thought through the idea of moving targets.

"Generic crap, very loosely based on something much better"
The A.V. Club

And English banks underwrote mortgages for slaves in the Southern US. People tend to throw their values out the window when money is involved.

Well he's pretty much sailing around in the Westeros equivalent of the English Channel. Nothing is THAT far away from anything else.

Well not a FULL Dr. Manhattan, thank God.

You mean Miranda or Lane?

Back to House York, you Lancastrian swine!

But Lincoln was gearing up to be significantly MORE lenient on the South. His assassination led to a much harsher reconstruction, not a gentler one.

The irony is that if you tried to give an AK-47 to a Union or Confederate quartermaster, they'd say "that's a neat gizmo son", and politely tell you to hit the bricks. See Gatling, Richard.

I think if it had been broadcast today it would have been savaged for its Confederate sympathies. Not to mention it's treatment of Native Americans.

There would likely still be colonialism, but more along the lines of what happened in China. There probably wouldn't be too much European settlement though.

You would think, but for some reason, French and Dutch fighting groups are always called the resistance, whereas Eastern European fighting groups are called partisans. I have no idea why.

Well for most of the 1980s and 1990s conservatives were carrying the smug, self righteous fun killer label. See the Moral Majority and attempts to censor TV.

Because you hate yourself :(

I didn't. Where is it?

It had reached scientific consensus by the mid-nineties, but I don't think it really entered the cultural consciousness until the early-mid 2000s.

Especially given that everybody seemed to know that it would be very useful for Danny's invasion.

I doubt it, given that the plot was sketched out in 1996. It is remarkably timely though.

Nacho is alive as of Breaking Bad. Tuco mentions him off hand during season one, but we never actually see him.

Honestly, most of Conway's character seems like a red herring at this point.