I’m trying to think of a trustworthy Billy...Corgan (no), Bush (no), Graham (no) Bob Thornton (don’t think that counts because it’s Billy Bob and not Billy), Russo (definitely no), Joel (no)...
I’m trying to think of a trustworthy Billy...Corgan (no), Bush (no), Graham (no) Bob Thornton (don’t think that counts because it’s Billy Bob and not Billy), Russo (definitely no), Joel (no)...
Yes. A meltdown. That’s what happened.
Are you getting paid for being offended? I know you’re just trolling now, but give it a fucking rest.
Of course it didn’t. You’re a retarded leftist who doesn’t understand you’re making things worse with your racism and sexism (and you think it’s okay because it’s targeted against white men). I wouldn’t expect you to be able to make sense of anything. Go away, please.
Might want to look at burnmama1234's response. Dipshit.
I’m not even a white American and I can tell you you’re a racist and sexist fuckwit. I don’t even need a tiki torch to do it. When are you idiots going to realize you’re defeating your own cause?
As the plaintiff, the onus IS on you to provide proof. If you’re really being so ignorant as to think a portrayal of something that has happened throughout human history (like, WAY before America) is fetishistic, you need a bit more education. If you think that portraying American slavery is promoting or advocating…
And we all know being white and male makes you inherently bad.
Yeah because a couple people imagining racists winning means they support racism. That’s how the pumpkin got everyone in America to vote for him.
Unfortunately, Trump can fire Mueller and/or Rosenstein at his leisure, regardless of justification. It seems the pumpkin may have learned something (!!!!) from Nixon and is trying to gild this, but it has to know this doesn’t stop with a firing.
Yeah, and saying “All lives matter” is considered racist. And the word “retarded” is offensive, even if you’re talking about something that is slowed by an outside force. And “faggot” doesn’t mean a bundle of sticks, even though it (sorta) does. Society determines what things mean, not the words themselves.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
It’s funny that you’re calling someone out for being an “urban hipster” and use a phrase like “raison d’être.”
Who’s Chidi and who’s Eleanor in this scenario?
If you insist, jackass.
“Cricket may be impossibly dull and impenetrable, but at least there aren’t any murders associated with it.”
It’s the internet, so yes, I’m a qualified therapist — PS: being a “therapist” is NOT a qualified/certified/degreed practice. Same as being a “naturalist” doesn’t require any training. So I am both. (as if you think I’d tell you anything about myself).
Also, @recognitions...have you ever heard the story of Davidito (real name Ricky Rodriguez)? I reckon you haven’t. It’s a story of a man who has gone through very much the same suffering. Long story short, he was supposed to be the “Christ” of the same cult Rose managed to leave. Do some research into his story. …
“That “live action” Lion King remake will probably be cool, though, huh?”