(I’m playing devil’s advocate here) Physical preferences are cross-cultural and certainly not imposed by some cabal: http://psycnet.apa.org/record/1991-01192-001
(I’m playing devil’s advocate here) Physical preferences are cross-cultural and certainly not imposed by some cabal: http://psycnet.apa.org/record/1991-01192-001
Honest question: why isn’t this transphobic or misogynistic or something? I feel like if a white male did the exact same movie, shot-for-shot, it would be labelled as such. Why does Tyler Perry get a pass?
It’s actually spelled “Gremlin Batler.” I’d feel bad for the guy if not that it seems he’s convinced everyone to think he’s attractive...the greatest trick and all...
So you’re taking it on face value that what the brothers said is true? Perhaps you’d feel differently about the episode if you consider the possibility they were lying...
This is already happening, it seems: asians facing higher test score requirements college admittan…
What do you consider “proportional representation?”
Just to expand on the idea that caffeine isn’t actually banned (it isn’t) -it’s hot drinks that are forbidden, so even decaf coffee is a no-go. (Cue Kenneth)
“there is a high quotient of grad-school in the demo, there is a lack of curiosity about an opposing point of view”
Please don’t get me wrong (I’m sure many will). Everyone detailed above 100% deserved their awards (and I think Atlanta was robbed for Best Comedy Series). But (record scratch) at what point does this change from rewarding deserving people for their accomplishments to parading people out there to show how ‘diverse’…
Apparently the second Ouija is a lot better than the first...
As much as these guys seem like huge douches, it’s not like they’re wrong — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lychee_and_Dog_Meat_Festival
Exactly. Tig has known him, quite well, for fucking decades. She’s just making noise to generate buzz for her show.
I’ll echo Eric Schneiderman to point out that there’s nothing in a company’s terms and agreements that lets them get away with breaking the law. I find far too often people accept a company/corporation’s criminal behaviour based on the excuse that it’s “policy” — policy or not, they don’t get to violate established…
Everything I’ve read/heard about Ouija 0.5 (it’s a prequel) is that it’s way better than any film about a board game should be (looking at you, Battleship). I’ve heard similar things about Lights Out, but I never see it mentioned...
But does he kneel during O Canada?
Especially when black players comprise 68% of NFL rosters. Really screams racism.
Testes, testes, etc...