It could be to her libertarian/smart left vs her authoritarian/corrupt left...
It could be to her libertarian/smart left vs her authoritarian/corrupt left...
While a prosecutor, Grace was reprimanded by the Supreme Court of Georgia for withholding evidence and for making improper statements in a 1997 arson and murder case. The court overturned the conviction in that case and found that Grace’s behavior “demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness…
I don’t know, the original story where she gets dumped and dies is pretty good but very sad IMHO. It’s when you tack happy ending on what is supposed to be a morality tale warning not to bet everything that some random hot dude will love and take care of you forever that you end up with that nonsense. Like the boy who…
I don’t think that’s the kind of busing Biden opposes though, to be fair to him. Forced busing is taking kids from schools where their parents want them to attend and busing them to schools their parents don’t want them to go to. The parents often IMO have good reasons for not wanting that. Busing kids to schools…
There is a system update available, but he can't access it because he made fun of the server for being gay...
Cause it’s rural America running things these days and not rich coastal elites? Which farm did Trump come from? Who was the last rural president? Carter? Whose solar panels were removed from the White House when Reagan took over... Trump and Reagan are NY and CA.
Ya, I agree the polls hurt Hillary, but 538 were pretty accurate I felt. It was those clowns at Princeton who had her at 99%. A bunch of media outlets had her in the 90s. I was following 538 who I trusted more and was like “30% chance of a Trump presidency isn’t a time to be smug at ALL!”. I felt like people were…
Maybe averted if he had shown up like a boy scout or all set to go camping? I guess these days concentration camps are in, but don’t know how even he could pull that off...
What did 538 do so wrong?
Especially in the context of a primary debate. The I'm not here to make friends or look good, I just want to win the money worked for Trump, but virtue signaling is what they are supposed to be doing.
That was my take too. I think he was saying females need access to abortion and birth control whether they are women or men or whatever. I was briefly confused but it seems like a good thought.
Ya, they made all kinds of stupid mistakes, unqualified people, not enough guys, poor training for the mission, intentionally not nation building. It was perhaps predictable, but I and I think a lot of people didn’t predict it. I wasn’t a big war supporter, but I didn’t expect it to be as terrible as it turned out to…
Also, Iraq had been a thorn in our side for a while and Saddam was a dick. I sincerely thought we could set up a better government than that clown, we have all kinds of money and academics and a huge comically well funded military and all sorts of stuff that should IMO allow us to set up a half decent government in…
Well, I live in rural PA, and expecting anyone to be grateful for PENNDOT seems almost comically out of touch. Have you ever been to a developed country? Have you seen the infrastructure in rural PA? Examined the cost structure of projects vs similar projects in other countries? I’ll concede that roads are a public…
All true, but there was also a growing tide of communism that very arguably posed a bigger threat than anti semitism, which Walt probably didn’t care much about. He was definitely a capitalist, and definitely clashed with Jews involved with labor relations, and definitely had Jewish friends and employees. If he didn’t…
Is there any evidence Walt was a Nazi sympathizer? I always hear that and think it's a scurrilous lie...
Except I bet more people get killed without guns than get raped without penises. Penii?
I don’t think he supported pro life candidates against credible pro choice candidates. IIRC he just seemed to prefer a pro life D to a pro life R, which seems reasonable. Hell, if you aren’t ready to sit out the general if Biden gets nominated...
You don’t have to be perfect to be a hero, it isn’t an all or nothing thing. Heroism is suffering or risking suffering to save others from suffering, and lots of people do that every day! People can even be heros sometimes and assholes sometimes without that diminishing their heroism, although being an asshole…
And what is Twitter for if not making off the cuff comments on current events or funny stuff? If you don’t want to see that stuff don’t follow his Twitter feed...