Blake B

I hear you, but I think it’s naive (respectfully) to ignore the condescension and racial overtones when it’s a white guy in a position of power referring to a group of younger black men. Also, Phil Jackson is fucking terrible, so let’s give him the opposite of the benefit of the doubt.

I’m sure you do, Mr. President-elect.

Only speaking for me: I think it was an intended insult to belittle James’ inner circle by calling them a posse. Phil did that on purpose and in that context, I too would have taken it as a racial insult. It is one of those racial insults that the receiver knows and feels, but one that the speaker can *easily defend

I think you have to look at it in context and juxtapose the usage. Would Phil say that Mike Pence is in Donald Trump’s posse? I would say no, and therefore in the context, it’s mildly/moderately race related.

It’s like the hustle/gritty/whatever scouting reports. The words are not inherently race related, but those

If you seriously can’t fathom how Jackson describing LeBron James’ friends and associates as a posse could easily be interpreted as a flippant mischaracterization of his associates as a stereotypical band of useless black hanger ons and nobodies and screw-ups, I’m not sure why you were even chosen to write this