
Its been a while since I read the books but I always thought there was only one Tower and all dimensions surrounded like a wheel with the tower being the spoke or center.

A lot of people don't care for Wizard one long flashback but I think its a wonderful flashback.

How do you rank the books? I would say:

Why have you never read the novella that its based on if you love the movie. I mean the movie is very faithful except for the ending which I prefer the ambiguous downer of an ending in the novella. Still you should read it.

What about Misery, The Dead Zone, Carrie, and the wildly underrated Dolores Claiborne.

I just read the book for the first time. Its very good and has a lot more psychological nuance than the films although I enjoy the first Death Wish.

I love and will always love Sams Town and I've never understood the beating they got for that.

Really not sure why you would dislike Mr.Brightside. Its a very good pop song.

I'm not really a big Bond guy but I love this movie and its easily my favorite Bond film.

I can't wait to see Arya's pissed expression when she realizes that Sansa has been hanging with Littlefinger. I doubt she'll be happy.

I will never understand Lana Del Ray's appeal. Her voice is so dull.

Oh meaning its required for fire fighters or emergency responders I guess.

Sort of curious is there a particular reason why you did this survival course?

I'm calling it now Nolan wins best director.

The book is really quite great and a fascinating picture of a friendship that is bizarre, sad, once and a while sweet, and mostly toxic.

Well this is a new surprised. I blew through this show about 8 years and loved it. Been thinking about doing a rewatch.

I've only seen Pulse once and a long time ago and I can recall whole scenes because it was that powerful. Scary movie.

Never knew it was based on a book. Ill have to try it.

I always thought Muholland Drive was pretty clear. Once you realize its about the age old theme of Hollywood delusions and broken dreams it falls into place. Also the movie is pretty clear about what a dream/fantasy and whats not.

The Pledge is fantastic. Its kind of underrated and forgotten probably because of how brutal it is.