
That's too bad only because Scott Smith is a fantastic novelist that needs to write more. I still contend that A Simple Plan is one of the best debut novels I've ever read and the book The Ruins is great too. Wish he would write more.

I doubt a highly controlling director would fit in. See Ant Man

What an odd comment. They must have really hurt you.

I wish I loved Jackie as much as everyone else. It left me cold.

Even though I hated his last two films I'm a Paul Thomas Anderson groupie. I'm sure there are many director groupies.

Saw lion which was surprisingly great.

If you liked Night Film read Flicker which is the same book except better. Too be fair I couldn't slog my way all the way through Night Film.

I would love to be able to understand Middlemarch. I tried reading it and the first page is incredibly difficult. Something about a dress I think. How is it so easy for you guys.

Its interesting to read people's increasingly negative reactions to Goldfinch. I read it when it first came out and was blown away. I found every character and moment so heartbreaking and moving. Much like Station Eleven I was thinking about the characters long after I finished the book. In fact I loved it so much I

Oh I know PTA sticks to it that story. I wouldn't expect otherwise.

I know that story but I really doubt Cruise was cool with a line like the son saying he's making it up as he goes along. I'm sure there a bigger behind the scenes story. Curious what it is.

One of these days I would love to hear the full behind the scenes story of The Master. I mean did Scientologists harass the set when it was in production. How did Tom Cruise react when Anderson supposedly showed him the movie? Did Cruise call him a suppresive. Anderson is too diplomatic and secretive to tell

The best scene I saw all year was the highway kidnapping scene in Nocturnal Animals. Masterful terrifying stuff.

Love the Stephen King story.

I know people on here generally hate Eggars but I found the book to be pretty creepy and relevant. There is a sort of blahness to the the writing in that specific novel and the main character but I found it actually worked for the slow but insidious nature of the book.

Glad he mentioned About Time. The last 30 minutes of that film had me in constant and annoying tears.

really thats interesting. I thought he was great. I loved his "Shut Shut Shut" scene.

Watched my criterion edition of Punch Drunk Love. What an incredible and beautiful film. And the picture on the blu ray really pops. The way Anderson uses color in the film is very underrated.

Its amazing how well this is cut and paced. There is no fat. It reminds a lot of the original Terminator where you watch and immediately realize what a great action filmmaker is.

Definitely watch it. Its a good show.