
Can Maeve go ahead and kill that narrative guy. He is so terrible. I'm pretty sure everyone in the office will be fine with that.

I really wish the good country and Americana music artists would grow a backbone and tell these idiots who are so terrified of Beyonce to go fuck off. Like somebody said below why does country music need to be beholden to stupid people.

If you want to see a funny gentle political satire with a Capra twist see Dave which is a far better film in just about every way.

Nobody is saying season 1 is the best. I guess Ill be the minority.

Love this movie and part of the reason why it works so well as the author states is because the book is fantastic.

You can read The Shining today and recognize its still great just like the movie.

Loved the performance and the song. I honestly kind of forgot that people who like country music are supposed to still be mad at the Dixie Chicks and not like Beyonce. I'm so behind the times.

Inspired by CivilWar Land in bad Decline and PTA interesting.

True Detective Season 2 was so boring. There was nothing glorious about it unless you like boring writing with boring characters.

Really I was so bored.

Allison tolman is fantastic in the S1 as well as Martin Freeman.

That's too bad you think that. The writing in both seasons are superb to me.

Islands In the Stream is my favorite Hemingway. It feel very autobiographical as if he's reckoning with how badly he's treated women in his life and how much of an asshole he's been. Very emotional book.

I love the very ending of Halloween where we get the static shots of different locations of the film with Michael breathing on the soundtrack. Brilliant stuff

If The Thing is not a horror film then I guess most horror films aren't horror films.

Its too bad this amazing movie derailed Carpenter's career. I mean people hated it at the time. Not sure why they couldn't recognize it as a classic.

Are you saying all airport novels are bad. There isn't one writer that's decent. Also not sure what you have against Michael Connely.

Good one. I actually didn't think of him since he's been around for so long and so influential.

Dan Brown is not a great writer but he is a massive selling airport paperback writer.

Oh Inverted World and Chutes Too Narrow are fantastic albums. then they got awful fast.